There’s this boy and we have liked each other for a while and now its on and off with him. I get really caught up with the fact that some flirt has to hang around him all the time and make me jealous. She acts like a dumb blonde whenever she’s near any guy. He doesn’t know that I do love him and cry about him because I think he’s beginning to like her. I doubt she likes him like I do, I know who she likes and for once he liked me more than her. I feel like she’s trying to get back at me for him liking me and not even dating though. But she is very girly, blonde, skinny, and she tries to act cool all of the time. Some boys can’t even see how fake she is because she only acts like that with boys not around. She’s flirting with the guy I really like and I hate her so much. I don’t think she deserves to be alive, God put you on this Earth to find somebody special not to flirt with every single one of them to see how they are, move on, and ruin other peoples relationships. Now thanks to her and her “sluttiness” I doubt he even has feelings for me anymore. 🙁
1 comment
1 comment
Whoa theres nothinq wronq with flirtinq! haha but yeah sorry that’s not the point.
If you really love him then I think It’s time for you to sit him down and have that talk.If you don’t think It’s the riqht time then just think of It this way,You can either be his friend or you can have everythinq you’ve ever wanted.You have a friend to close but a world to qain.