Why did God chose me ? It is not fair. I didint ask for this, all this pain.
I am not strong. I cry my self to sleep every night.
I hide all my feelings behind this mask, so everyone will think i am a happy 13 years old girl. But i am not.
But I believe there is hope for a better life in the future. So i got to stay as strong as i can to make it.
Belief keeps you alive, it’s a strong feeling.
Hold on to it.
Soon you will realize that pain is a kind of power.
Don’t feel like you have to do it all on your own or to be strong by yourself. Is there a grandparent or a parent or an aunt or female teacher or someone that you can trust? Sometimes you need to share your feelings and experiences with someone else. You are not all alone. Good to reach out here. That’s a step toward having some support. Good job. Keep sharing. People do care. =)
hey, welcome to puberty. you wont even care in 10 years. lol
hey,i know how you feel i was there before. i still am kind of. i have to take everyday one step at a time. i would always cover up how i felt and wait until i got home at night to cry myself to sleep. i still do that a lot but most people dont know how hurt i am. just in case you’re wondering im 13 too, so if you ever need to talk im here i got your back 🙂
p.s. jamesmohio: screw you this isnt puberty this is called our shitty life and it would suck if it was before OR after puberty.
You’re not alone. I too, am one of Gods chosen. Its definitely not something ANYONE deserves to be chosen for, but sadly some can’t avoid it… We chosen can only stick together and fight through it and hope to be able to find the light at the end of the tunnel and feel the warmth of its bright and joyful rays.