Okay, so I’m sorry I don’t really have anything new to tell, but I’m having a hard time dealing with anger atm and wondered if anyone know any productive, non-destructive ways to get rid of it? As I wrote in my last post my parents basically re-triggered my childhood trauma again recently, and since I’ve been crying all day, alternating with bouts of anger and a general feeling of being ” out of it”, while they’ve continued living their lives happily as if nothing had been, which makes me even angrier. I shouldn’t allow them to make me feel this way, I was relatively happy before, and whenever I am happy they ruin it again. Any tips on how to get rid of this anger quickly, so I can be happy again? The sadness part is okay, crying works fine, but the anger won’t go away, cutting myself helps, but only temporarily and it’s not really the best thing to do. Thanks in advance for all useful advice.
Exercise. Go run until you can’t run anymore. Or even just walk fast. Pushups. Anything. Get rid of the energy. Hard to be angry when you’re exhausted. Cutting is pointless.
Oh ThousandCuts, the irony…
Some people find that cutting is a form of release for them. To state that it is pointless, well that’s just your opinion.
@strandedselkie, dude.. I can relate.
Have you thought about writing down what’s pissing you off? Sometimes it can help to see it on paper because it’s out of your head and in front of you instead of being bottled up inside. Distractions help too.
Perhaps a punchingbag?