I am 23 years old. Â I have Depression and Schizophrenia and every day almost everyday I argue with my parents complaining about rejection (social and girlfriend). I am on medicine and I feel like the medicine does not work. I think about rejection and wanting a girlfriend or wife and my parents keep telling me otherwise. I don’t agree with them. I NEED ONE to survive. I need love. Back in my school years no girl would date me and to this date I have never had a girlfriend which I desperately need. Â Everyday keeps getting worse not better. Â I should have never been born or should be dead by now.
why don’t your parents think you should have a gf? We all need love.
Trust me “needing” a girlfriend is never good and even if you found one, in this state of mind it would be doomed from the start. You’d be too needy and clingy if you feel like you “need” her and that would eventually turn her off and she would leave. I learned this the hard way lol. I have never loved myself and have always felt insignificant and rejected, but oddly enough I have maintained a pretty constant string of girlfriends, but the only reason I’ve needed so many different ones is because they always leave eventually for pretty much the same reasons. You need to love yourself first and find reasons to enjoy life on your own, and then share that with someone else. Don’t look for someone else to enter your life and fill in all the blanks and suddenly give your life meaning. Because you know what that sets you up for? If you guys ever break up you will be depressed for months and you will want to die because not only did you lose your girlfriend, it will feel like your entire life was taken away. Love is great but even if you find the love of your life you need to trust yourself #1 and never give anyone else that top spot or they will have too much power over your life. It sounds like you are looking for someone to come along and make your life worth living and make you happy but it puts a lot of pressure on a girl to make her responsible for your happiness and eventually it will wear them out and they will want to find a guy who has their own act together. So save yourself the heartache, I have been dumped, depressed, and suicidal too many times because I always depended on my girlfriends to give life meaning, when I was with someone it was the only time I was happy to think about the future and imagine all the stuff we would do together. Girls want to see you have a life and a plan for the future for yourself and then you share your lives together. So you have the opportunity to get this right without having your heart broken. Start doing the work now and worry about finding the partner later. I promise you will be happier if you do it in the right order. If you find a girl first it will give you temporary happiness and you will feel like your depression is totally gone but it is so so dangerous to live like that because the girlfriend will have the power to take that all away from you if she ever leaves or cheats or does anything stupid, which happens all the time these days.
I understand what you are saying. I always thought similar.
But, and I have to be honest here, when I started dating, nothing changed for me. I remained depressed and schizophrenic. The only difference was that there was a person that wanted to be with me out of own will. But in the end I remained the same person, with the same problems, the same fears and eventually my relationship would always collapse.
If you are looking for change, don’t expect someone else to bring it to you.