Okay, i’m 13 years old. I have to repeat the 7th grade. I would’ve passed it, but i left my school 3 weeks early. That school stressed me out, to the point where i just couldn’t do it. i never wanted to go back there again. i only had about 2-3 friends at the end of the year. i like, pushed everyone away. i don’t even know how. right now, it’s about a month and a half into summer. i moved across town, so i’m going to be starting a new school. i lost connection with all my friends from my previous school, but like i said, i only had 2 or 3. But there is this guy, typical, right? every 13 year old thinks they’re in “love”. God, but this guy. He is amazing, he makes me feel the tiniest bit happy when i need it. Well, i lost my viginity to him about a month ago. I told my sisters, because i felt so scared..i felt gross, and what if i was pregnant? Well, i wasn’t. Cause i started my period a couple days later.. i promised them i wouldn’t ever again.. but i did have sex with him again.. .-. Obviously i feel disgusted with myself, i feel like a dirty piece of nothing. I’m ready for the comments about me being disgusting, nasty little kid. I do wish i had waited. i wanted to be like 16/17. never have i even planned at losing it when i was 13. well, i was hanging out with him the other day, with a few of his friends. they all went outside, so we were talking about it..and are dumbasses, never realized his friend was sitting right there, listening to it all… So, i was pretty embarrassed.. i was also high at the time, so i guess it could’ve been worse, if i was sober i would’ve started crying or something.. I just feel like i have messed up my life, so bad. I would’ve ended it all last night, but i just didn’t want to leave him behind.. the only thing i don’t regret is that, i actually knew this guy. for like 2 years, we were really good friends. i trusted him. at least it wasn’t some random asshole i met at the corner store or something. but i still do regret it.. but i guess i can’t do anything about it now../:
Ok, listen. I don’t mean to lecture you or anything but I just want to give you some advice. You’re 13 years old… you’re so young. You have so many years ahead of you. You say you feel gross and scared and disgusting.. why? Because you had sex? I know a lot of people that had sex when they were that young. Two of my best friends had sex when they were in the 7th grade. It’s really no biggie. Of course, it’s smart to be safe about it. If you trust the person you’re with, know them really well, and just be safe about what you’re getting into, that’s just fine. Kids get drunk, get high, and have sex in junior high. It’s not unusual or disgusting. Most people say to wait until you’re older, which is honestly some good advice, but don’t hate yourself for it. You say you’re moving to a new area and really only have 2-3 friends.. also fairly common. Some people have a harder time making new friends. I’m about to graduate from college and i’m one of those people. You’ll get used to it, or you’ll at least find a few people who you can call your friends. Hang on to those people. In a lot of ways, I know how you feel. You might feel lonely, sad, upset with yourself, and might think of ending it all, but just give it time. You’re young.. not even in high school yet. It’s not worth dying over things like this. Don’t stress about sex. Don’t stress about any of this. Move on with your life. Like you said, you can’t do anything about it now, so don’t worry about it. Anyone can change. If you don’t want to feel this way anymore then start moving towards what you want. This new school can be a new opportunity for you if that’s what you want to make it. Forget all the bad feelings and the stress and learn to love yourself.
Right now things seem so overwhelming and huuuuuge! I promise you, in 6 months you will feel differently. You made a mistake. We all make them. Your not dirty or gross. Forgive yourself for this mistake and focus on other areas of your life.
Love and the chestistry running inside you are REALLY hard at that age…… Some of us actually DO remember.
Don’t beat yourself up on it. I am not gonna get all lecturey on you. And I aint gonna throw the bible in your face either.
I think YOU need to at least make sure you dont get PG. If not only for yourself. But it would not be fair to the baby to not have a normal life with the stigma of a 13 yr old mom and no cash.
So, that being said…… STOP beating yourself up. There are a lot of people in this world doing a lot worse things than enjoying being intimate with someone they think they love.
Remember – there are way too many haters in this world for you to beat up yourself. Be strong. Hope you will come back and talk more.
Thank you all so much. I really thought about this.. Right now, i’m just wating to start my menstrual cycle. Hopefully i do start.. i do not know what i will do if i am pregnant. /:
i don’t ever want to be in this situation ever again, my second time going through it in the last two months…
You’ll be okay sweetie, Let me tell you it’s better to know at that age..then being like other girls who are 16/17 and don’t even know what kind of guy/girls are out there.
yes what you did was a MINOR mistake…but move on and it’s hard…my best is..to take a pregnancy test and just relax…the more you stress the more your period is delay.
If you ever need to talk…you can talk to me and i can guide you.
I’m almost 18 and I have a lot of stories from being 13 to now.
Take care.
I have been peeing alot lately, and that is a sign of pregnancy. i talked to the boy, he said he was very sure. & i trust him. i have no way to get a test. no friends to go buy me one. i’m just trying to wait until i start my period. but i’m trying my best not to stress. i honestly don’t know what i will do if i am pregnant. my sisters will kick my ass, i’m terrified….