Ive felt like killing myself for so long now. I thought I was fine for a little bit but what do ya know…. I’m back. I hate almost everything. No one answers or talks to me. My dad is all the time asking and saying hurtful things “you have any friends son?” “you gay or something?!” “when you gonna get a girl friend?” just things of the sort and it dosnt help at all. My brother used to call me adopted when I was little. I know he was kidding and just being how a lot of big brothers are. But I really wish I was adopted. It would make more since on why it seems I’m the only intelligent person here. My parents got a divorce when I was about 9 and I’m only 14. (I know a little young to have suicidial but I blame others) My mom finally made so many mistakes that I realized I didn’t want to associate with her at all. Well by doing that I dont talk to anyone on her side of the family anymore including my brother and it honestly seemed like he was the only one who cared about me. I recently met a girl who I really liked and I got the courage to ask her out so we’re going out now and I feel great about it but I don’t want to tell her about my actual emotions. She is probably the only person I’ve really cared about since my brother. She says she cares about me but having the past and the feeling I’ve had I’ve come to be paranoid. I wish I could get the courage to go ahead and kill myself.
why you want die life is beautiful
No life is far from that. I wish I could see it as beautiful but it’s really hard. I had one person I could talk to about any of this and she just quit talking to me. I hate living. I think gods just playing a sick little game with people.
well now you can talk to me i speak like parrot want be my friend and let me tell you here is late but i give my tinne for read others
Thank you but I mean someone I know in person. Idk what I did either she just hasn’t talked to me in a couple weeks. Hasn’t answered me.
your age is like my son 14
leave her soon you will have more friends dont beg and i’m sure she will back to talk to you and it is not reason to suicide he
I wouldn’t kill my self over one person. She’s just been my bestfriend since she moved here and i think the only reason we got along so great is because we had almost the exact same childhood.