This site should not be full of ideas and suggestions of how someone should kill themselves. It should be about sharing stories.
Because no matter what you think. And no matter how lost you feel. There is someone, whether you know them or not, who will miss you if you ever leave.
You might think it’s never going to get better, and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes you will need to stop hurting as much as you do everyday, or some days or all the time. But when your sitting down and you can’t take it at night. Share your story. This site, Tumblr, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, call someone. Because there will ALWAYS be someone who is willing to try and save your life.
Your life is so precious, you will have something to contribute to this world. The people with scars, burns, eating problems, disorders etc. are the strongest out of the 7 billion people on the earth. They are the ones who have suffered the worst and have got through. You need to look at yourself. And remind that it was a lucky draw that you got in this world, Whatever you believe in. The world may seems big and you may seem small and irrelevant but you are another person and everyone cares about someone.
Take that step. Talk to someone. No one will judge you, they want to see you come back proud of your hurt. Because you are never alone in this. And you need to be proud of the wreck you may be at the moment. Because later in life you will be proud of what you got through. Proud of what you survived. Survived to see all the good things in your life. Falling in love, Your wedding, your children being born, your dream job, an amazing holiday, your 21st. The list goes on. S
o if your stepping closer to that bridge, or about to pull the trigger, or swallow that one to many pills. You need to remember, there are 7 billion people on this world. There will always be someone who will miss you. And YOU make up that 7 billion people, You are important. No matter what, be proud. Because you will be loved and you WILL get better <3
AMEN to that.
thats the truth and it couldnt be said better
at least you aren’t overly optimistic/borderline naive
I will never EVER want to Get married or have kids EVER