Today I started my “project”. I’m sick of the world, but my best and pretty much only friend wants me to stay with her until highschool, because she’s struggling with life as well. So I figured that if I slowly starve myself to death, I can stay with her, but as soon as school is out, the pain of starving will make it easier for me to just end life. I eat a lot so I’m not going to full out starve myself, but become majorly bulimic… Honestly, nobody on this site probably cares, but I just want to put it out there. I hate when people tell me that all this suicide shit is just a faze, and that it’ll pass. Honestly though, they dont know what ive been through. I’m a 13 year old bi-sexual, who has a dead-beat father, an asshole of a stepdad, and some major ADD, that my mother thinks I just use that as an excuse to fuck up and not get into trouble. My biological father abandoned me and my mother before I was even born, leaving me to grow up in the crappiest part of my city and I had creepy old men constantly hitting on my mother. My step dad beat the shit out of me one time just because someone had taken my hat. It wasnt my fault and honestly,,, over a fucking hat? The worst part was, my mother seen how scared I was of him, and she still sided with him. I also hate having ADD, every time I forget something and apologize, my mom screams at me, and tells me that I just fake having ADD because I just want to get doped up on the pills, and get away with stuff… I could go into detail about everything but, I’ll end my story here.
I know how that feels…
Sending you peace of mind and warm wishes…. you are good and you are alive and you are reaching out to others. Looking at your post it is obvious that you are a caring sensitive loving person. You are hurting, and angry. Yet you talk mostly about your best friend and also about your relatives. I think you are an idealist, and you believe the best of others, and you feel hurt when they let you down. It is hard to stand up for yourself when people you depend on take out their anger on you. This is your life. You were made perfectly you. You have had a rough time, and there are reasons for that we dont understand. You are not a victim of the past. You are a thinker and a dreamer.. you are loving and strong. What your change has to be is start now being gentle and loving with you. Instead of being upset over the bad way you were treated, look to you to treat yourself better. Give yourself the OK to be easy on you, to be there for you, to make a path that is good for you and not just for everybody else.. you can ! You will heal and there are big things ahead waiting for you .
Your life is as fucked up as mine. I have sought healing for many years but there is none.