Since I was young my parents wanted me on medicine along with therapy. Since I didn’t have a choice I took them. as prescribed until I came down with the worse side affects. Zoloft the robotic smiles, Prozac this motor tics, Amitriptiline the chest rock and zombie mind.
My father. I’ve prayed he should die since whatever this is has taken over him. He’s teasing is worse and he thinks it’s ok. My mom is super submissive so she tags along. I still don’t trust her. He tease about me not moving fast enough yesterday in 100 degree heat and 79% humidty as I made pigs in the blanket. You don’t move fast enough. You need to stop looking at the birds and the bees and talking so much. He said it hurtfully and he KNOWS it. Yet when I defend myself I’m toold I’m too sensitive he’s just teasing. 23yrs old now and My parents should know I hate being teased. I bust my ass to help them like they ask and have had to in the past do their “dirty” deeds and I’m still not respected. Moving out on my own is not an option till they are both dead. Because I’ll still end up back having to care for them anyway.
And the pendulum still sways. I keep defending myself and they scream MEDICINE MEDICINE> You’re too sensitve you need to take medicine.
I don’t want to be on it anymore. WHy would I take medicine so my liver will die off and my pancreas stops it’s job so I end up like them on high blood pressure and insulin. They are the pill poppers. I don’t want to be like them with the genes my drug addict bio-mom gave me. What a disaster that would turn out to be.