When I see movies or commercials or websites that ‘help’ people with depression, I cry. Because I believe that only some people can get out of this horrible fucking mess and be happy. I call them ‘The Lucky Ones’. I don’t dare believe that everyone can get out. It’s sad, but it’s true. I mean, I’m never going to get rid of my depression. And I sure don’t want to take pills to try to make it go away. The pills will just make me a fucking empty doll. I rather the pain than nothing at all. I’m going to die this way. Maybe whoever’s reading this will make it out. Maybe you won’t. It takes courage to live, and I don’t have any. I may be young, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m going through.
What should we do to get rid of the depression?I don’t want medication either
There are different types of meds for depression.
The most commonly used type don’t make you a zombie or anything, they just rebalance chemicals that your brain already makes.
Good luck
Well Maria, I guess it depends. If you want to get rid of the pain without scars, finding someone who does care about you will help. I personally have no one that cares and no hope to go on, so currently I cut myself. I hope to die soon though.
I’ve been a ‘lucky one’ twice so far
1st episode was from 13-14 till 18:
I had moved to a new country and thought it wouldn’t be a big deal .. it turns out I couldn’t make friends to save my life and started to feel lonely and depressed .. in a matter of months: no social life, overweight and poor self-esteem for years .. luckily, I got truly fed up with wallowing/finding comfort in misery .. I could no longer tolerate to be a ‘victim’ and decided to take life by the horns/*****/whatever .. going on a diet + to the gym were my 1st step to recovery
2nd episode: from when I took the decision to drop out (summer 2011) to early May .. this episode had been caused by being bullied in college and realizing a girl I was crazy about found pleasure in trying to destroy me .. I was carrying too much darkness inside and tried to kill myself twice: once by poisoning and the other time by hanging (actually, I got intercepted by the cops on my way to where I was going to do it) .. of course, only the future will tell if I am lucky of still being alive .. also, I never took meds nor went into long term therapy
my intent isn’t to “show off” nor make this thread about me (Rosie’d have to call me out on it ^^), I’m just hoping some can relate to some of these experiences and find the strength to keep going (even if we all know life is a heartless *****)
There’s a website I came across called yourhealthonline you may consider checking out.
We have a negative experience, we get it diagnosed or labelled and then our identity becomes one with the whole deal. Here is the issue. You’re feeling a certain way, and you’ve called it depression and you identify with it.
I posted something called Something To Feel Good About…and the link talks about the healing process. It’s very clear. I would recommend reading the info there as it will support a healthy perspective on your circumstance and give you an idea that perhaps you do not need to identify with the whatever you call it. The more you think about it, the more power you give to the notion that you are not right. I believe you feel the way you do and could write a book on it. But do you want to be right about how wrong you feel inside?
So stop listening to the voice that says you’re depressed…you’re feelings are what they are but they do not define you…YOU define you but where you place your attention. A lot of what we call depression is caught up in the past….so place your attention on the here and now moment and realize your power to choose this dismantles the power of the past and any justifications you may want to defend that supports you being depressed. What if everyone in the world were depressed and it was normal….you wouldn’t think there was anything wrong with you…and there is the opportunistic challenge for all of us. Be light about things, and give yourself the benefit of the doubt in all instances of your life. You are not your experiences…so keep the horse infront of the cart, not the other way around. Cheers!
I agree 100%
I could have written this.