Just dying. I have really little, if anything to live for. I have a hard time imagining any accomplishment that would cause me to transcend the feeling of wanting to be dead that I’ve been experiencing for the past several months. I have done yoga. I have done meditation. I’ve taken all kinds of medication and talked about every aspect of my life. Tried to tie up loose ends in my relationships, but I am broken.
What is the one thing that bothers you most?
Yes. What broke you.? I mean what happend.?
You can read my first post called “full catastrophe living.” Basically, I damaged my brain on drugs about 17 years ago, things have never been the same, gotten worse and are now so bad that my functioning is really diminished.
That I can never have any hope.
Your NOT ALONE! i’m here ♥ talk to me , if you just need someone or want to talk . i wont judge you!!!
Email me – alexap0424@yahoo.com
yes… broken… dying… waiting to die… yet alive… aware… no “accomplishment” can speak to this… in this time, everything temporary is being swept away, and you will be left with what will be yours forever… this is what is worth living for now…
your accomplishment–and miracle–is feeling the reality of your primal pain, the hurt done to you and stamped into the memory of your body when you were being formed. you are being healed as the pain comes out, as you can tolerate it (and you really can’t tolerate it) little by little. the minute you have some relief, your body wants to wash more up and out. you were really beaten over and over and over and over, you were really twisted and squished, you were really deprived of oxygen to the point of death, your neck was really pulled and yanked, your little self survived–undeserving of the cruelty–and now it is releasing the energy of the pain, not wanting to kill you by doing so, but it feels that this is the time, it chose to do so purposely when you were progressing wonderfully, when this happens you feel the horrific nearness of death, you feel the reality of your own history, it is asking you not to fix it, it can’t be fixed, it is over, only to acknowledge it, this is the truth of your history. It can’t be ignored, it was at your foundation. Your healing comes as it washes over you, up and out. Your brain is actually creating connections during this process, so all the parts can participate in the healing. It is dangerous to you, it would be good if you could have truly expert people to travel with you through this valley of the shadow of death, yes, you are living dangerously close to death, but this is the path to your healing and victory.