Ive been trying to get help from my so called friends for so long but its useless. Im pretty sure I just lost one by telling her about being suicidal. She told me she couldnt take the stress I was giving her and that I was burdening her with my depression. I have like three friends now and I feel horrible for messing up someone’s life with my problems. I dont get it, I thought when you needed help you were supposed to be able to ask your friends for it. So here I am in my downward spiral with its ever increasing slope, I dont know how much farther it is till ive hit bottom I feel like Im already there. I think about suicide every single day morning,noon and night and everything I try to fix it doesnt seem to work
I’m sorry that your friends are acting that way. If that’s how they react to your troubles, then you need better friends. Friends are people who are always there for you. Are you in any counseling?
Alot of people don’t underst and depression and how it makes us feel. So they don’t know what to say or how to listen. That’s why so many of us are lost to suicide. I’m going through the same thing people think I’m fine but I’m so over the edge and making my final plans to end it they will wish they didn’t make me feel crazy and not important. Ill be gone soon I can’t do it anymore
Keep those three friends. Once you’re down to none, you feel as if you’ve hit rock bottom. If they don’t understand your depression, that’s fine. If they want to stop being your friend over it, then they weren’t ever really your friend in the first place.
I think I can understand how you might be feeling…
I started struggling with depression and suicide at 14. I told a few “friends” who gradually withdrew from me.
Let me just say, at least be grateful that they have told you how they feel now, rather than you call them while in crisis and have their lack of compassion hurt u even further 😉
At least now you know what & who u are dealing with right :\ ?
I’m assuming you’re a teen? Maybe there is a support group in your area for suicide/depression?
Have you heard of “Mind Your Mind”? I don’t know if it’s just where I live, or if it’s a Canadian thing, but it’s like a support thing for teens & mental health.
If you need to talk to someone even further, please don’t hesitate to msg me <3