I used to have a few really good friends that i go to school with. They’ve either moved or we’ve had a falling out. Now i’m stuck by myself, with no one to go to… Today was the first day of senior year. It’s supposed to be the best year of your teenage years, right? Well. I could tell you otherwise. I walk in the class.. and i’m alone. Everyone’s in their own little cliques and i’m sitting in the back, alone. I’m not the most outgoing girl ever, i’ve been this way since i can remember… always the “quiet girl”. I didn’t really know how alone i was till lunch. I didn’t have anyone to go with or hangout with. So i sat outside for that 30 minutes. That made me realize how alone i really am.  Suicidal thoughts have came and gone in the past few months. But this time is different.. Now its all i can think about. It’s like i’m thinking who would truly care. My mom, of course, my family, yes. But the girls that sit and gossip about me being weird because i’m “always quiet”… no. And i know that’s a bit ridiculous, but you can only take so much getting made fun of before you break. This is going on year four of the gossiping. I don’t know if i can do it anymore. I’m done. With that. With feeling like i’m lost. Being alone. With life.
I don’t know you but I wish I could say something… or do something to make things better for you.
Yeah, I’m alone like that too.
I had a best friend for awhile and now she seems to be leaving. Or rather, she’s gone.
I miss her so much. And like you, I feel alone.
And you tell people, oh I’m thinking of hurting myself. And then they’re like, you got lots of friends here.
I do?
Where are they?
I have not any close friends anymore.
Feel free to email me if you want:
Your friend,
It’s hard finding new friends to take the place of old friends. I know you feel alone now, but try to reach out to new groups of people. Maybe you’ll find somewhere you fit in that you never knew existed. You just have to give the world a chance. It’s hard, I know, especially when you’re shy, but you’re not alone in the way you feel. And fuck whatever gossip goes on about you, because they don’t know you. They’re just petty girls.