Five years ago I lost the best job I ever had.  I worked there for 18 years and just like that I was out. I can’t let go of the past. I think about that job everyday. Random events remind me of that job and it makes me cry. I don’t know what to do with myself. I really need help but I don’t know how to get it. I see a psychiatrist once a week but he’s nothing more than a pill pusher. What I need is someone to talk to – really talk to. Someone who can help me put my life in perspective. The economy blows and I’m just getting older by the day. I’ll never find a great job again and I can’t retire for at least seven more years. I don’t think I can live like this for seven more years.
1 comment
Hey!! sorry to hear this… I know how you feel, just 4months ago I lost everything I cared for, From one day to another I lost my job, house,boyfriends, friends… everything, I was living in Canada and some idiot at the immigration office didn’t approve my visa, so I was asked to leave after 4 years living there (the best years of my life) anyways… you need to let it go! no company deserves our loyalty or lives. Even at the good workplaces companies ,rich people and government in general seen us just like modern slaves, we are asked to give them at least 8hrs of our lives for let’s say 45 years and they uses us and for everything we give away they pay us slavery wages, we are less than nothing for them… I don’t know were you live, if you are on your own or you have a family, but try to get out of the city, maybe work in a farm or some place where the average income will be the same as yours. this fucking company that fired you is not worth, no one is. I worked for AMEX like for 7 years of my life, I saw my coworkers getting ill, people having heart attacks, loosing their health due to stress, the company didn’t care. Start all over is super hard, but at the end we have to remind ourselves that money is not everything.