The title really says it all. I’m having a lot of flashbacks from different difficults parts of my life and I just want them to stop or at least reduce. So does anyone have any hints or tricks on how to stop/reduce them?
The title really says it all. I’m having a lot of flashbacks from different difficults parts of my life and I just want them to stop or at least reduce. So does anyone have any hints or tricks on how to stop/reduce them?
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Sounds like PTSD. It happens when your brain, during trauma, mixed everything all up and has not been able to process or correctly file away the memory of your experiences. It’s really hard but facing them and speaking about it will help desensitize you to the trauma so its not so devastating and once you can face every detail over a 12 week period, without avoiding triggers, they’ll stop. Promise.
Your brain is trying to file it away, that is why it keeps coming up. I’m working on my Ph.D in trauma psychology at SMU
I know that it is PTDS (been diagnosed recently), but thank-you for the advice on how to fix it, it’s really helpful 🙂
SMU does case studies on trauma and advertises on Craigslist, check out reputable universities near you and see if they are offering new research on PTSD in their psychology department. Since school is starting next week for most U might get in but do not tell them you are suicidal. They will not be allowed to take you and could have u committed against your will as suicidal is lumped up with homicidal and seen as actively psychotic.
Saale Kutte.. You Bullshit.. You are a Hell dog.. Come in front of me.. I will give you a Kick so hard that you will forget to talk.. You Hell.. Dog!!! Your fucking mother and father doesn’t made you learn how to talk a girl?? Did i said anything wrong to you that you saying wrong about me.. When i started spreading things about you.. You will die! You bullshit trying to Misray others.. Kutte.. dog Pig!! you scoundral idiot stupid.. go fuck your mother!
woah! Is that aimed at me? I’m confused :/
no Panda that isn’t directed at you, Shivi and gamergirl have some drama going on I think gamergirl said something about Shivi on another post lol. Nothing for you to worry about though! 🙂
Panda, no it wasn’t aimed at you.
Shiv, what colorful language.
G4m, trauma psych is dandy
Hey @Crazypandachick..Its not aimed at you.. Please I am sorry.. Its aimed at G4M3r9irl.. This guy Spreading Bullshit about me on this site while i did nothing to him.It was all aimed at him.. not you..
Sorry @razypandachick.. Really Sorry!
@8532110.. Lol thank you.! Haha
Shivi, I have a feeling gamergirl is a girl? Am I right gamergirl? Or was that username expressly to throw us off?
@louise50.. The username Is just Expressly to Throw Everyone off here.. He Is a Guy not a girl.. You can see In a Post Where I Said nothing and this guy started saying that i am a Bullshit..Is it good manner? Or the way to talk a girl?
Gamergirl Is just a name.. He is a guy! A Boy!
oh and Shivi I think G4M3r9irl is actually a she, there was a trend online that was pretty popular a few years back to replace letters with numbers that looked like the letters and to use lots of capitalization to make things anoyying and difficult to read it was called LEET or L33T speak. It was pretty juvenile honestly. So the 4 looks kind of like a Capital A the 3 is a backwards E the 9 a backwards G so I think that would be read as Gamer Girl
@WhatAmIDoingHere.. If she is a girl.. Why would she Spread Wrong things about a girl? I don’t think a girl Spread wrong things about girls.
Oh okay, I’m sorry to hear that they are doing that, but thank-you for clearing that up
Well maybe that is not how it is done in your culture Shivi? Here in the US though and probably many other places girls are just as likely to do and say such things as boys would be.
@Crazypandachick.. I am really Sorry. I didn’t meant to say things at you. I said it to gamergirl.. Not you.. After reading this Post..I feel you are a awesome Person. I am really Sorry. I apologize!
you don’t need to apologise, I was just confused 😛
@WhatAmIDoingHere..Oh okay.. Well I am from India and Here Girls Respect other girls.. Not say bullshit about other girls.. May be there is a difference in culture.. Anyway not a big problem. Thank you for telling. I feel you are a Indian? Or May be I am Not sure. Lolz
No I am not Indian, I was born and raised in the USA and my family history would be of European descent.
After drinking a quantity of beer, I have trouble remembering what I did that night which is probably a good thing.
@WhatAmIDoingHere.. Okay!.. May be I was thinking a bit wrong Lol.. Great!! 🙂
Good Luck!! <3
Shivi- A lot of people on here don’t know this but my ethnicity is Indian.
Haha okay! No Problem! 🙂
USA I’ve seen better kept crack houses..
@Duke of Marmalade..
Lol It feels good to Meet Indians here. Haha. Thats good! Me Too Indian! 🙂
good luck to you as well Shivi! and try not to let what other people say upset you so much. Some people are just rude to others for no reason. Especially online like this where there are no consequences for it.
I’m Punjabi
Yes Donnie I am sure you have. I imagine you have spent your fair share of time around the crack houses so you have plenty of examples to use for making that evaluation 🙂
@WhatAmIDoingHere.. I totally agree with you. Actually I am a bit upset in my life nowadays. Its surprising for me too that this Upset thing had brought me to a site named “Suicidal Project” Lol. I am happy outside but feels like I am killing myself inside.. Life is just not on the right Path. Hopefully I will find myself soon!
Its my Childhood thing that I get upset with what Peoples Say. .Many Peoples had been rude to me without any reason.. Many times I try to find the reason but They simply Say nothing and just stay rude.. I feel that We get life only once then why always being rude? Can’t People be just happy And Friendly all around.. If this happens .. World will be a more Peaceful Place. You really seems to be a good person that you cared to reply. Thank you so much! 🙂
I’m from Afghanistan. Go home U.S
@Duke of Marmalade Woohooo!! At Last.. I find a Punjabi Indian!! Lol I always wanted a Punjabi friend but there is no one punjabi here. Its good to find you here.. You know I love to hear Punjabi songs But I hardly know the meaning Lolz. So I always wanted a Punjabi friend. Haha!
We still own land in India but I have never been. Im thinking of going next year. I think everyone should see the Golden Temple at least once in their life
Yes @Duke of Marmalade.. Even I want to visit Golden Temple once.. It heard Its Superamazing. May be I will visit Soon! 🙂
colonists out. USA I’ve seen better kept crack houses.
come on donnie lol wat you doin?
I can see the advantages of living in India. A lot of people there think life is better in the UK but its hard here. Over there none of my relatives ever had to work and just race around on motorbikes.
lol 1in7 Donnie is just trying to stir things up, actually I thought he was UK I dunno where that afghanistan stuff is coming from
Let’s get out now whilst we still can and before the whole wretched EU collapses
@Duke of Marmalade.. Lol I agree but UK must be better than India.. There are more advantage of living in UK! India is a messy Place. although I truely Respect India. Bcoz Its my Birth Country But Here there are no Technologies. Electricity Is a Must nowadays but In india there are few Places Where there is no Electricity.. It feels So sad when you see children’s are begging on the streets. It makes u think that what can we do for them . But The ministers Of India are just HELL.. all they are doing is just Destroying this country.. Nothing else. They take money and money as Bribe. What so good in it? India had become first and most Taken bribe country. Just bcoz of these creepy ministers. And If u feel young or childrens are happy here then You are wrong. In india.. Today also there is a difference done between girls and boys. While in other countries. Girls and boys are said to be Same. and Equal.. India is far more worst than UK! You are lucky to be living in a Amazing country!
The UK is one of the best countries in the world if you are able to make the most of it. The cost of living makes that difficult sometimes.
@Duke of Marmalade.. Haha Lolzz.. Yes The Cost thing Matters..:P I agree.
If you want to live in UK.. You want to come from a Rich family Lol. Its a MUST there.
U.K get out of ireland.
hey Shivi since you mention some of the problems of India, I saw a news article last month about a hospital in Punjabi where a newborn baby was taken out of an incubator and left to die because the childs parents could not pay 200 rupees for the electricity. Stories like that are very shocking, is something like that common there?
In Punjab its very modern. The girls are treated with respect. We have our own generators so if the main board goes down we can still have electricity. Like everywhere in the world if you can afford the nice things then its ok. Historically, we were well off over there before we came to the UK. The problem was that our wealth was starting to diminish so we really had no choice. My nextdoor neighbour owns 500 acres at £30,000 an acre so not everyone is poor. In Dheli they have the worlds most expensive house valued at £1 billion so it depends on your situation. There is a big disparity between rich and poor which exists everywhere in the world. It is just more apparent in developing countries. India is actually one of the fastest growing economies and a lot of UK companies have moved over there. In fact a lot of UK companies are now in Indian ownership. They even have the F1 racing now and the IPL.
You heard it True.. Its so common here. Childrens die Bcoz Their Parents Can’t Pay Money. Is it good? Whats the fault of the new born baby? I feel Its the saddest thing ever. The newborn baby who don’t even know What MONEY Is.. Die bcoz Of this MONEY only. !! The ministers here are so Creepy and Like Hell!.. I really hate this kind of things here.
@Duke of Marmalade ..
I definately agree with you. But all I want is this country to be more Amazing. And I don’t know more about punjab though.. All I read is only in newspapers.
But In Madhya Pradesh(If u know about it?-a Part in india) . Its like hell.. girls are still not treated well.. and new born baby dies Bcoz their Parents don’t have Money to Pay?
I would definately regard myself as English and not Indian. Not a lot of Asian people in the UK share that sentiment.
Yea its very sad to read such things, Especially for something like the cost of electricity that many people don’t even think about and just take for granted. 🙁
Do you know anything about the hindu god shiva.
@WhatAmIDoingHere ..
Yes I agree. Many Peoples take it for Granted but Here In india.. Its very much Important. It feels sad to see such things thats Why I always want that I complete my Study and shift to another country! Lolz.
Ofcourse I know about Hindu god Shiva. He Is very much Worshipped here. And It is said that He Is the first god Who Existed In India.
I wouldn’t actually mind going the other way and spend a period of time over there. My dad says its good. Everyone there has mobile telephones and modern technology. All we do is chill out on the farm and drink beer.
@Duke of Marmalade..Its amazing to hear that.. Bcoz I hardly heard this. 🙂 Its amazing that you still have love for india!! 🙂
@Duke of Marmalade
Haha Lolzzz.. Yes Thats good.. Only the good thing here is that you can chill without any kin of problem.. Chill and Enjoy! No race of life here.. Just LIVE! and Live!
Not really, I have never been there. England is my first country and I think its one of the most tolerant places in the world. I actually like it here but sometimes life can be hard.
I wanted to go this year for the grand prix but I think thats too soon. If I go next year I will definately put up a post telling everyone about it.
@Duke of Marmalade. Yea Sure. Put a Post up so that I will know you visiting! Lolz.
I’m third generation british so we were the first.
Duke of Marmalade …
Okay.. Thats cool yaar. ! 🙂
I have to get back to work and I don’t really frequent the site that often these days. It was nice talking to you and hopefully see you again.
@Duke of Marmalade…
It was nice talking to you too. I am also going.. Take care.. Peace! 🙂