this is my story its kinda long but hear it goes will I’m 19 my life isn’t hard. but I’ve been bulled ever since i can remember just because I’m dyslexic doesn’t mean I’m stupid. i can control this i was born like this i know i spell things wrong you don’t have to point it out to every one in the class. also the teachers make it feel like its my fault if i don’t come to them and ask them to spell check every thinks. I’m so sick of asking for help i want to just do it on my own for once in my life thank you very much. but i do have to say thanks to my best friend I’ve know her for 14 years, i miss her she moved away to go to school this year will i had to stay in this hell hole and go on pretending my life is just peachy. but it not the one time i felt truly happy was when i got my best animal friend bigsby i got him my seiner year when it was just my mom and me home most of the time. my bother sister and sister-in-law where at school. the day i got him was one of the best days of my life March 5, 2011 the day i got my adopted pet home. he was a jack Russel he had long lags and he acted just like me he was perfected in every way to me. my family loved him to but one day my life fell apart. he was a jack Russel i know you should have a fenced in yard. i live in the country and on a dirt road it never crossed my mind that the one living being that i cared so much for would be taken away from me. on September 3 2012 my baby was hit by a crime colored truck right in front of my mom, dad, and me. i remember my dad saying he didn’t just hit hem. i was walking down to the end of my drive way bare foot thinking y why the fuck would the driver hit my dog. when i saw him laying in the middle of the road i ran to him yelling his mane BIGSBY i looked in to his eyes i told him your going to be all right. i know he wasn’t his eyes had the thousand mile stare he was bleeding from his cheats he was barley breathing. i couldn’t Handel it i ran i never side good bye to him. will he was dying i was panicking i feel like it all my fault he was killed and that i wasn’t there to comfort him. i couldn’t sleep for a week i could hear him barking out side it was like he didn’t know that he was died we even saw him run across are back deck in the middle of the day. i wanted so bad to be with him again i consisted killing my self. one one would let me get how i felt out i just wanted to let it out. so i started to drink do drugs and it all came out at one point. just putting it out their that saved my live. i still want to not feel. i still do drugs and drink sometimes. i still love you bigsby i will see you again but when I’m supposed to see you and I’ve come to see that i can live my life but i wont for get about you. <3 you
Dyslexia is certainly nothing to be ashamed of; you write just fine as far as i’m concerned, notwithstanding a few negligible mispellings. It doesn’t say anything about you as a person. I’m sorry to hear about your bigsby 🙁 but if you felt so strongly about him that you were contemplating suicide i wonder if you were compensating for something else. Don’t fall into the hole of acohol/drugs; find some friends who will give you that comfort that bigsby did.
thanks so much you have know idea how happy this make my and thanks for listing. I’m so use to hiding be hid my disability i feel like it is who i am. i try to hide it it is one of my biggest fears for ever one to know that i have it and that it might holed me back in life in some way.
Don’t let it define you; anyone who tells you that being dyslexic somehow makes you unintelligent,unlikable, or inferior is simply mistaken. I can read what you’re saying just fine; what does it matter if there are a couple errors? Be confident and you can work to achieve whatever goals you have. That is what Bigsby would have wanted! lol <3
that’s true i never thought of it that way. I’m trying so hard to be what i what to be. you know I’m going to be a dog groomer and no bodes going to stop me. thanks so much for listening to what i have to say your the only one that has.
I suffer the same fate. My little secret is I type everything on a word doc. Then copy and paste onto the site. Auto correct and spell checker does miracles.
I’m actually Afrikaans and from South Afrika. Scary when I type in my own language… No auto correct or spellcheck…
i know what you mean its like a consent fear. i remember i had to get in front of one of my class and i miss spelled a word and one of my classmates pointed it out. my heart sank and i exploited on my class mate then my teacher yelled at me. that was a treble day. i would die with out auto correct or spellcheck.