i had been living alone for 6 years until i got a dui awhile back, which snapped the thin monetary thread id been hanging by, so i had to move in with my mom..i’m almost 30 and i am very lonely. im very short and not particularly good looking so im unable to attract a mate. and presently relized by being short, ugly, broke and living at home as well as kinda old and less experienced , that its very likely ill never meet anbody and be alone all my life(having a family was a big desire of mine). id been on many dating sites for a long time and never got a response as well as the only reason that i was at the bar to get a dui was to meet a girl or make friends(all my friends dispersed after high school and ive yet to make anymore) so for the last 7 or 8 eight years my life has consisted solely going to work an coming home. i cant remember the last time i had fun or felt good about myself( and isnt that what its all about? feeling good about yourself). and for the last year or so ive found that when i see an attractive girl or even people having fun i just get very angry  which is strange cause iv alway been the least angry person ive ever known.  so with only feeling bored , angry, depressed or empty.. its becoming completly unbearable especially with no hope in sight. and even if everything did suddnly become perfect  im pretty sure all the wasted time and resentment from all my dissapointment would still keep it from being enogh to keep going.
There s hope even for a one winged butterfly.dnt eva say u gave up on urself.its jst how u feel abt urself.i am 19 tall,pple tink i am 22 cus i luk older,i may b cnsidered gudlukn by some.but the truth is that..i still feel this way all the time.i dont have a girlfriend i can afford..i cant afford to even kal a girl that just acceptd my proposals i am as broke as a dinosaurs fossil.i am sliding into depression jst from making this comment.a girl once fainted in my arms at home.but i couldnt afford the simplest form of transportation around this parts,i couldnt get her to the hospital or anything.i was called a curse to the economy.i can hardly afford my meals so i am staying with my parents,this to a great lenght have stopped me from being who i am,truth is that i just wish i could just wake up one day.and realise that the world has changed and thing for people of my type now has it solutions,i wld be happy and at the same time sad cus a failure like me has no place in heaven or earth
Grammar and a spell check please @ 12timesbusted
happy endings are for stories I’m afraid.
seriously? This is how you treat depressed, lonely and sad people?
If you are that fucking keen on correct grammar then either find a website where someone gives a fuck or go to university to study to be a fucking english teacher. but don’t stay here.
Chill out. This is a public forum and everyone is entitled to their opinion.
@ Clarity1987 I hope you are ok
@Duke of Marmalade
you too can f*** off. Honestly, people here need help and kind, helpful people, not the kind of shitheads that you and your friends are. Is this some kind of joke, that you guys all from school log on and take the mickey out of this* and then it’s so cool to read from the newspaper that they’re dead. “Oh hey look, we did that! high-five!” the world is full of assholes and shitheads, but we really don’t need them on this site.
Clarity1987 is not an asshole or a shit head. He/she has been on this site a lot longer than most.
Look at who is being a hypocrite. Maybe you should calm your ass down and think about how you explain your opinions. People do have the right to say what they want on here. I do think what people should say should only be supportive and offering advice, not cussing each other out. Like what you are doing, incomplete. Many people on this site take everything seriously but express it in their own way. Just because they aren’t saying things along the lines of your little world doesn’t mean they should fuck off.
Like you said, this is a site for people who need help and not to be ridiculed. But while you say this, you cuss someone out and tell them to fuck off. So you know what, we don’t need assholes on this site. So please, get out or change your damn attitude.
Damia, You have been through a lot already. If you want to feel good about yourself, try going to a gym or on a jog, just to get yourself moving some more. It may make you feel better about yourself. If you want to find a girl, sometimes you need to put forth an extra effort. For some reason, the gym is kind of a pick up place if you work hard enough. Maybe you can start looking around for some other things to do around town. That way you’ll have something to do and you might meet other people. As for the anger, that’s kind of normal if you’ve gone so long feeling all those negative emotions. But don’t let them control your life. Take up boxing or something like that so you can really let that anger out in a way that’s good for you. Just try little things and see what goes from there.
You cant force anyone to go out with you, But in all honesty. Every relationship I have had has made me feel a lot lot worse. They are not all they are cracked up to be, far from. What you need to do is concentrate on YOU. Your the most important valuable person in your life, If you dont have a hobby, get one, your not having fun, do something fun. I know its so much easier said than done but if i knew you I would book you into an evening course, some dance class, (I went and i am the worse dancer you can imagine! I never laughed so much!) a book club, anything, honestly there is everything out there these days! You are in your twentys, You are still so young, You cant live life thinking this is not what i wanted at this point in my life and dwelling on it, There are certain things you cant change, there are more things that you can.