I made a post a couple months ago about a girl that I loved who cheated on me and left me. And how I thought that I had nothing left. Thanks to you guys I moved on and forgot about her. But she came back into my life and acted like snitching was wrong. I didn’t want to be mean, so I welcomed her presence. She led me on again and I fell so the same trick. She got me to care for her again and broke my heart again. I’m a moron for falling for it but the real problem is that I haven’t been happy in months. I don’t feel like taking my life and ending it, because I have a strong belief that those who commit suicide go to hell, but I need some way to cheer up, and I just haven’t found it at all. I don’t know what to do and once again my faith is not going to hold me up for very long.
Don’t end your life. Something that can repair this situation, as all of christian faith say ‘God does not help those that do not help themselves’. You might wanna think about being mean. You say you didn’t want to be mean, but if she truly intends to mess with you than push her away! there’s a million other fish in the sea!
And im personally not a man of faith, but I love how faith can help people, good people, who need a reason to carry on. If you need a way to cheer up, appeal to your friends, just the good ones, just the ones that you actually do feel happy with. cus, its their job to cheer you up, just like its yours! 😀
Don’t let this girl get to you, because you will find someone that deserves you. Now do yourself a favour, and don’t give this girl the time of day again.
Thanks man