i’m tired of living. i can’t seem to focus on what i have and what i need to do. objectively i should be happy. i have a job, a roof under my head, food to eat and clothes to wear and yet somehow, i feel like something’s missing. i have no passion to live and i can’t help but feel i’ve been left behind in life. i feel i’ve sacrificed the entirety of my existence fitting into a mold i was given that i never even wanted. never had a real connection with anyone, never been in a relationship, nothing. shallow i know… and possibly not even making sense…
I get that.
what anti depressants are yyo on mate ?
You know, as brief this is, I relate very well to your post. It’s not shallow. You fit into a mold that others seem to like and expect of others and then you feel guilty for not appreciating it as they do, for so many others don’t even have what you have. But it is the sentimental aspect that’s lacking, for meaning comes but it relative in it’s nature. So no worries, mate. Will you eventually find that meaning or that purpose? Who knows. But it’s very likely that you will in time. It’ll only happen slowly and after you’ve completely recogonized the emptiness of others’ charades.
Man. I get this more than I can attest to. Except I cant land a job. I am losing my home. Have no loved ones anymore. But I surely understand you and empathize with how badly you feel. I am sorry. Sorry for all of us in this effed up thing.
I was just wondering, tired and all who post here…tired brings up a very true statement about feeling left behind. Do you guys all feel alone and left behind? Do you feel persecuted for being depressed or suicidal? Do you find people are cold and callous when you do reach out – only to shove you back into the fox hole deeper?
i know i need to be thankful for what i have. but i just feel like an outcast. im an introvert and im struggling to fit in. it feels like i’m looking at life through a glass window, unable to participate properly in life. there are other people who are worse off than me, and knowing that fact makes me feel even more pathetic…