So as i was taking a shower, i just randomly began to think of how i had no childhood.. how i was a depressed and suicidal child, how i can hardly remember all the fun times i had but can vividly remember the days and nights i spent crying in my room feeling isolated and alone. As if no one could save me. I had flashbacks of getting bullied, of all the shit i had to put up with. And after the flashbacks, i felt nothing. I thought nothing. I could only stare at the wall with wide eyes. My body was cold, i had goose bumps even though the water was nice and hot. I then just turned the water off and sat in the tub, feeling vulnerable, having no idea what to do or how i feel. Am i depressed again? What triggered these feelings to come back? These are questions that i still cant answer. I am scared now. Vulnerable. When i got out of the shower i thought of suicide. How i could just tie the towel around my neck and in 20 minutes, i would no longer have to deal with anything anymore. That’s whats scaring me the most. The thing is, my life is the best its been in years, why do i feel depressed and suicidal all of the sudden? I cant comprehend it. Even though the suicidal thought was brief, i am still worried. I thought my life was finally at a turning point for the better.
Let me scare you more? My brother hung himself and it didn’t work like he thought it would. They estimate he hung there several days waiting to die as he slowly suffocated on his own blood. Half brain dead, starving, thirsty and alone.
And that’s just half the story. Do you have any idea of how those he left behind feel? I have nightmares most nights and probably will the rest of my life. In dreams we are talking normal like we always did until the dream ends by him killing himself. I sometimes wake screaming or moaning.
Think of everything and everyone before you make a decision like this? (please)
Sorry about your brother,but shit,I was thinking of hanging.Did he do it wrong or something
I’m sorry about your brother. Im not planning on commiting suicide, there’s too many people i care about- my friends, my family. I couldnt hurt them like that. Besides, im not even sure whats making me feel depressed lately. I’ve been fine for about 2 or 3 years. It just came back all of the sudden even though everything seems fine. I didnt even know it was possible to hang for days and not be dead..? That story breaks my heart 🙁
I’m not sure if he did it ‘wrong’, I wasn’t there. If I had to guess I would say he just decided he was pissed at the world, grabbed a rope and off he went. I doubt if he really thought about what he was doing.
Look, we all go through deporession just as we all go through good times. BOTH are a part of life, and neither of them usually happens when we want them too. We all just need a little patience and eventually we all get to a better place…
…unless we start making bad decisions and then the outcome can only be, bad.
I hope you all will get tough during the bad times and plow ahead just as you would if a pile of snow were in front of your car. Decide you are not going to let the bad stuff in life drag you down…and expect to have to make an effort to control that. Nothing good happens free or without an effort..
Good luck my friends 🙂
The whole thing broke my heart forever. 🙁