It’s 9:48 AM and all I remember from last night was me sitting in my room, crying, and contemplating death. I remember me sitting there on my bed looking at the pile of pills calling my name. I sometimes think that I think to much, but maybe I don’t, maybe I think about the bad stuff to much. I decided that I should start thinking about everything positive in my life. There are people out there dealing with way bigger problems than mine. Some people are dealing with cancer, somebody’s parents died, they’re brother or sister died, and some people are starving. My life is bad, but not as bad as other people’s. Christmas is approaching and some people don’t have enough money to afford presents. This year my Dad lost his job and money is scarce but we still have enough money to have a good Christmas, sometime’s I can be so selfish and this Christmas I want to give back and help.
That is something to be proud of… thinking of more than just you. That doesn’t mean, your not suffering. You choose to embrace life head on and know it’s all up to you! I believe you can grow and get through. Not just for you but everyone you care about. Just got to be creative. I hope for the best! Good luck
Thank you so much!
Hi, I read all your posts and you’ve gone through a lot. I’m sorry for you in that way. You don’t deserve to be treated badly by the world. I’m here if you ever want to talk. It’s good you’re going to think postively, that’ll help you hopefully. But I hope you don’t undermine your own problems, because if they came back, you wouldn’t be ready, and I wouldn’t want them to hurt you more. 🙂
Thank you so much! I’m also here for you if you ever need to talk too (:
The best email address to catch me on is iwantcookiesnow1@yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk (‘dots’ are there because it will be pending otherwise, replace them with actual full stops), if you email me tonight ill pick it up In the morning, but I’m probably going to go to sleep now because I’ve had little sleep the past week or 2, and it’s catching up with me, but I’ll be able to talk tomorrow, pretty well hopefully! 🙂
Thank you, this has actually made my day so much better, and the e-mail address that is best for me is s-fraether@lwsd(dot)org (: