I wrote my suicide letter today. So sure that I’m ready to do it. I let out my loudest cry. I voiced it. Yet it went unheard. No one taking me seriously. Thinking it’s only for attention. I was embarrassed when I told them. Humiliating. Yet she stood there and said it’s my fault, and she thought it was only for attention. Left me in disgust. I like being unseen but when I ask for your help so that I can live happily I expect you to give a damn so I’m not suffering in freaking silence, going through each day asking myself what did I do to ever deserve this, having blissful thoughts of dying, and cutting my pale skin. Yes, I expect you to HELP me. Not give me your attention just to HELP me, is that too much to ask for? Well sorry if it is, I can cut this attention shit short and be on my way out of this world and we can both be happy.
I think they are partially right, you want attention, because you want help.
Somehow I understand how you feel, it’s like being afraid of oneself and know there is a train you can not stop, and you feel, you would like to stop it, for whatever reason.
But noone listens. I so wish too, that someone would help me, I don’t do anything of the most extreme things I have read here, I have a better control of myself in general.
But everyday i feel i should just die, and I am afraid one day i will just do it.
I think I understand you, and although I probably can’t do much.
I offer you my help
hang in there sweetie, you are so much stronger than you think . dont worry about making the world undertsand, worry about fixing yourself and gettiing the happiness u need. the ones who truly care about you, will see the pain in ur eyes.