Just another day.. typical.. nothing unsual.. just thinking to myself about travis.. ( i dont care. ill put his real name up) I think maybe there still is hope for us..? not for sure.. but i have a feeling that maybe things arent totally over.. we had too deep of a conection.. we understood each other in everything we said and did. morgan (his new girlfriend) cant possible know about his nervous habits. how he cracks his knuckles in a certain way when he is thinking about something, or he is upset. how he bites at his cuticals when hes uncomfortable. how he obsesses with his shoes and his hats is because he’s insecure about himself.. she doesnt know all of those things.. and she doesnt know his deepest secert.. that he had a little brother named tyler that passed away shortly after being born.. and she doesnt know how badly it hurts him. she doesnt know that when him and his dad fight, he says he wishes he was were tyler is, and that tyler would be alive to be the perfect son.. she doesnt know these things about him.. but i do..
1 comment
1 comment
ahh I can relate to this so much