So I have been feeling depressed for a while now. I wouldn’t really say its constant, my emotions are a bit of a roller coaster.see, I feel like I’m gods mistake, and that I have to put his “mistake” right by killing myself. The worst part is that I know I’m just being too much of a dramatic ******, but I can’t help it. I have recently moved schools, leaving all my best friends, and now I’m growing apart from them. Not only that, but everyone at my new school thinks I’m gay. Even my “friends” admit that they think I’m gay. My mum gave me the advice to just be myself but I think that that’s a bad idea seeing as I’m so stupid 🙁 I also have minor family problems, like not being appreciated or like being not being given any attention and being blamed for everything. To be honest, I don’t think I have a single good quality. I’m bad. Like I said before, I’m Gods mistake, and I DESERVE to be dead. I used to have high aspirations but not any more. Someone please help me :'(
How can I help? What would help you?
Just some idea of whats wrong with me, some advice, etc.
Dear “dramatic ******”, 😉
It’s not unusual for someone to say dramatic things when they feel blamed, unwanted, worthless, and overwhelmed.
Something I notice about you is that in spite of your feeling so badly, you’re able to differentiate that your feelings are up and down rather than constant. Do you see that about yourself in your post? I did, right off the bat. I once dealt with someone’s young child who was dramatically raging about a peer, saying things like “I really hate him, I just want to hurt him! I’m so angry!!” Out of nowhere, it was like a knee-jerk response…I said, “I admire you for KNOWING that you’re angry.” Why? People can go for a lifetime without realizing how they are feeling. How can anyone begin to move forward without knowing some basic things about themselves? It was a moment I’ll always remember. So, I admire you for being aware of your feelings.
Anyway, you’re asking for advice. First, it’s heartbreaking to hear that you feel you’re god’s mistake and that you need to rectify his mistake by taking your life. What seems more realistic to me is that you’re experiencing the mistakes of your parents (maybe not getting support and healthy attention from them) and you feel the consequences of those mistakes as if they were coming FROM you. It’s not uncommon for us to internalize the problems of our parents so deeply that we come to believe WE are flawed because of their problems. Also, you just lost your friendship support system which means you have to find other means of support. So, it’s not surprising that you’re feeling down.
Now for the advice, as you requested: Allow yourself to fully feel the pain you’re experiencing. Posting here is a great start. You’re allowed to feel the way you do. There’s no reason the circumstances you mentioned should bring feelings of happiness. We’re here to listen to as much or as little as you wish to share. Sometimes knowing that someone hears you can open up even a little “wiggle” room to help you stay alive a moment longer. And when one is so far down, getting from one moment to the next is sometimes the only realistic way to get by for a time.
So, thanks for posting. I hope you’ll experience brighter moments ahead as you seek support.
Thankyou very much for taking the trouble to write that long post 🙂 you are quite right when you say that I do have some parents with my parents, they always point out my flaws, never tell me im good at anything, and constantly act like theyre sick of me even when im just making conversation, and it certainly does hurt.
No one has the right to make you hurt. No one has the right to make you want to kill yourself. No one is in your shoes, knows your pain, they why would you listen to them? They are not the people living your life. Half of these people you will never see again. Get away from the people that bring you down. Live for yourself. Ignore the bullshit, inhale the good shit. Trust me sweetheart, today may be horrible but tomorrow things could clear up. Just breath. And eat chocolate. Chocolate fixes everything ;p