This is my first ever post and will keep it brief. Basically i lost my job then my partner of 6 years left me and now the finances are stretched and i am more than likely going to loose my house and car. Its hard when your suddenly all alone like most of the people here are. I hope every day that something good will happen but it doesnt. I learnt a long time ago to only look after yourself as there are no guarantees when it comes to other people. The only thing that has made things a bit easier are my pet cats. I understand no one wants to hear my troubles because to be honest its draining on them emotionally and theres not much then can do. I also know that with relationships only time will help me heal so i have told myself thats its ok to feel alone because its normal. Ive researched how to end it and i have the ******** and bag etc so its just a question of if i will. I worked out that really its all because i have lost and/or am about to loose things that make me happy. I try not to overthink things and by simplifying it it makes it easier for me to understand. as i said im keeping it brief and i havent decided but if i get worse and no longer wish to deal with things then i will follow through. Â I think a lot of people here would know what i mean when i sometimes go to sleep and hope i wont wake up. Thank you to anyone who reads my story and understands. There are no perfect solutions to lifes problems
I’m there with you. I’m going to loose my job soon, just shy of retirement, no 401k. Should I fuckn stop paying my morgage now? Stock pile cash? Should I stop paying my taxes and credit card bill? Just fuck it? When will the bank kick me out on my a$$? What about health care? Obama care? Unemployment and fcukn welfare? Am I eligible for food stamps? What about auto insurance? I’m preparing for the storm, got rid of extras like cable/internet, stopped turning on the heat, limit electricity and water use, sold everything on ebay and Craigslist. My dogs and working out keep me sane. But living with them in my car won’t work so I’ll have to find them a home. What girl would date a out of work loser like me? I can just imagine bill collectors all over me. I don’t feel like suffering. A 12 gauge slug sounds more appealing. I hear u.
I’ve found myself in a similar situation. I won’t go into details, but it is by far the worst feeling-place of my life. And consistently so.
I just dropped by to offer a different perspective on “death”, if you haven’t heard it already. The information and understandings from this person resonate with me as the highest form of truth I’ve found in all my years of searching. If they don’t for you, that’s all good too:
official website:
I’ve had experiences that lead me to the conclusion that there is no “death”. Only a changing of one’s focus or awareness. I think about ending my focus in this life every day, but I’m hoping that if I do choose to do so….that it’ll be from a place of looking forward to what’s next, as opposed to hating what’s here. Best of luck, friend.
Hello Bad Boy,
New here eh? Well don’t worry about draining anyone here…we can just walk away from the computer after all. 🙂
I was where you are over a year ago. I did lose everyTHING….the house went in June…the car went in September. My friend and par.t.ner of 15 years left over a year ago…I was told I would never work again because of medical issues. So yeah…I hear ya.
Oddest thing though….I’ve never been happier…than NOW. When I got here to SP over a year ago…I was inconsolable…wild even. Angry, scared, frustrated, confused. And the kind souls here on SP saved even my sorry ass. As you can see I am still here.
Know you are in good company here my friend….and let it go…we’re listening.
@Lon3 Were you not here last year as well? I dunno…maybe wishful thinking…but I had a friend here last year who’s name was Lon. Would that be you colonel? I feel old and stoopid asking…but it will drive me bonkers otherwise…hahaha 😀
I don’t know why I’m still here. I walk off the path with my .44 Magnum and rehearse weekly but too much of a ***** to do it. I must enjoy suffering or some shit. I need to do it soon so at least my siblings can get my half a mil life insurance policy, get fuckn something outa it. Once I lose the job that goes away.
And to the rest of you accept Ama, we are all fuck ups! The best thing we can do at the moment is listening to Ama!!! She has been there done that and survived!!!!
i beg to differ rocketman, i am perfect…in a psycho kinda way.
no, for real badboy, you are only human trying to live in this fucked up life like the rest of us. weve all basically been where you are at sone point or another. i too have lost quite a bit and thought that was the end of my world….but its not, it actually does get better. dont give up. this life that we all live is an adventure. try to think of it that way, because eventually we all die. aren’t you curious as to see what might happen next? we’re all riding the same wave, just different heights and speeds. right now your at a low where tomorrow you might be at a high…and uf youf not, your day will come when yiu can look back with pride and know that everything is ok. it just takes some getting used to, thats all.
in the meantine, your amongst good people who really do give a shit.
Are you ignoring me on purpose? You could of just said you were a different Lon3 Spartan…hahahaha 😛
I thought I saw you back on a few months ago…left one comment…and poof