Spend all day In a trap house doinq the obvious.Couple of my friends,two hoes and me.
Do you know what It feels like to be surrounded but Isolated???Like If everyone around you Is there but your casper the qhost.I left without lettinq anyone know and no call,no txt sayinq hey why’d you leave?Nothinq.Theres so many fraud ass people In Houston It’s crazy.I wanna cut sssssoooooo BAD!!!!! but I threw away my razor two months aqo and any new razor Is just qonna leave a scar that Isen’t qonna qo away!
I just wanna drop everythinq and start a new life.
1 comment
I know how you feel.
Everyone is around you, you have friends and somewhat a social life, you’re not neglected or ignored or anything of that sort, yet it feels like you are completely emotionally isolated – like nobody understands you or listens to you.
Whenever you try to talk to someone about this, they don’t know what you’re talking about…resulting in emotional, psychological isolation.
I find that watching a movie or playing a game (immersing myself in the story of another) helps me with it. Of course, I can’t keep doing that ALL the time, but it does help during that time of enjoyment and distraction.