I am mute, i just cut, and i feel like dyeing, why? Because my mom finally broke me. All i have ever wanted is for my mother to love me and care like other moms do, but i never get her love, when she was down and sad wjo helped her? ME WHEN I WAS ONLY 5, I DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHY SHE WAS CRYING AT THAT AGE BUT I WAS THE ONE WHO HELD HER TILL SHE FELL ASLEEP, ME! I WAS THE ONE WHO CARED WHEN MY DAD WENT! AND KMOW SHE TREATS ME LIKE IM TRASH!!! WHAT DID I DO!!! IM ONLY 13 AND I ALREADY WANT TO RUNAWAY OR DIE! Â I THINK ABOUT LIFE LIKE AN ADULT WHO JUST LOST EVERYTHING, NOT A 13 YEAR OLD WHP WANTS TO ENJOY LIFE, WHY BECAUSE OF HER!!!!!!!!! And whats sad is that i still cant help but love her even though she treats me like dirt, sad huh?
Yeah… maybe if you leave for a bit she’ll see what she’s missing. Please don’t die yet though.
Thank you, I won’t die yet, just because you asked me too 🙂
Maybe you should start being as cold to her as she is to you? That’s what I did when my dad started taking me for granted.
I don’t know if that will work, she wants to somehow get my friends to leave me, because she thinks they are a bad influence, but quite honestly, I hope she sees that if she does that she may as well just put a bullet to my head, my only friend, I only have 1 is my lifeline, my eye is swollen, I cried so much last night that its swollen, my mom thinks that I’m burning myself and punching walls not cutting, I am officially terrified of my mother because she wants to hurt me, hut she stops herself because she “loves me” she probably does, but it only seems as if she just goes through the process of loving me and not actual love, it’s like its programmed into her to love me, but she doesn’t actually love me, does that make sense?