I am such a loser. I have no friends, I haven’t talked to someone that was not in my family for almost a year. I am home schooled online so I never have to leave the house. I am 2 years behind in school. I don’t ever do any schoolwork. It feels like I am dead, I do nothing all day. I don’t feel like doing anything at all except sleep, or read. My mom wants me to call the teachers or do work, but everything seems pointless. I am a stupid mass of cells, there is nothing good about me at all. A piece of furniture is worth more than me, and is more useful. I am not good at anything. No one has ever liked me as a person. Everyone hates me, including myself. I really wish someone would shoot me, or run me over with a car, or for me to have a aneurysm so I don’t have to be me anymore.
I completly understand, ur story is almost exactly like mine except I go to college and get to hear everyone being happy while I’m alone. Who knows which is worst. I’ve wanted to die most of my life, when I was 12 I was really hoping that there would just be an apocalypse so that everyone good could go to heaven and everyone bad could go to hell. Now I can’t because I’ve lost my faith so I just hope to die.
You haven’t had the normal opportunities to interact with other people and I think it’s hurting you. You have low self-esteem because you don’t talk to anyone and so you haven’t taken enough chances to find some people that accept you and make you feel appreciated.