I cannont handle this. I am numb and everything hurts. My best friends  mom just broke his laptop on him so now we cant skype. I love that kid so much. My 16th birthdays in 4 days and I think march 1st sounds like a good suicide date. lets see what happens huh? I dont know anymore. my mind screams ” attempt. attempt. attempt. ” and I never have. Theres a first for every thing right? Ill try to OD and see what happens. I cant take this.  why am i suicidal? everything fucking triggers me and I am done.
can you talk to your friend in any other way? know that your best friend will miss and that he might need you, not to mention your parents! please hold on, i know it’s not easy.
we can text but he might e taken into a fster family and if so, we will lose contact and i cant live with that.
I dont want people dying on my birthday!!! -_-
Thats my only birthday wish.
BTW being sensitive is way better than being desensitized, numb, distant and cold.
what about an email address?? it’s hard to react in any other way to a planned suicide than “oh my god please don’t go through with it”. but really, none of us know what kind of unique pain you’re going through. and a lot of us have ignored the same advice.
just know that most, if not all of us have been there in some variant way shape or form, and we’re waking up every day to find reasons to keep going. You can find these reasons, I know you can because you had the strength to reach out to a community like this. it’s scary losing touch with someone you care about, and even scarier not knowing if and when you’ll talk again. but you will find a way, and i believe you can live