These days I am increasingly struggling to find a reason to keep going. Everytime I go outside I feel that everyone is looking and judging me, analysing my every awkward move. Walking on the pavement/sidewalk towards oncoming traffic is the worst as It just feels like a barrage of people staring at you, judging you. I hate thinking this way and I know its not rational, but I cant shake it, its like I am defined by my anxiety. Even when I succeed at something, theres always a voice saying I should have done better- endless quest for perfection? then what?  I think what is making matters worse is that for the past four years I have had a strict regime of study and received marks which helped bolster my self esteem. However, since graduating I have yet to find a job and feel incredibly hopeless and lied to (I recieved a 1st class degree which i foolishly presumed equated to instant job offers). Every day is just tedious, my optimism is shot and I am becoming more introverted and withdrawn than I ever was, and I really dont know what to do…
I’m going through a similar situation. I’ve been in college forever and finally at least got an associates degree, and graduated with high honors, but I cannot even get an employer to respond to my resumes. I’m becoming so rude to my family and just desperate.
Huh, I don’t have anxiety issues (at least not in the clinical sense) but I can relate to the first part. Rationally I know people aren’t judging me the way my brain tells me they are, but it feels like they can see into me somehow and they know that I’m “supposed” to kill myself but haven’t worked up the courage yet… adds to the shame of being weak. Whether I know the people or not. In truth they’d probably be appalled that I’d think anything of the sort.