I have been cutting since my 7th grade year. I don’t really know why I started  or what caused me to feel cutting was a good way out. All I know is that I used cutting as an escape for my pain which then turned to an addicting habit. A girl I knew, Raiyanne used to put small razor blades in her compact mirror and cut whenever she needed a release at school. I don’t know why I decided to cut but that became my way of doing it. My wrists are scarred up so bad from cutting that I’m not even sure how I look at them. I followed the Butterfly Project for awhile my Sophomore to Junior year of High School, but it never really did any good. I always killed those butterflies. It just wasn’t a good motivating factor for me. I think the longest I ever went without cutting was with my ex Ricky, I don’t think I actually cut at all while we were together which was 7 months. But right after we broke up I went right back to the cutting.  7th grade to now, as a 12th grader, still cutting. I haven’t cut in maybe a week and half now. But even then I think about it and having that undying urge to grab the blade and slice my won skin open and then I think of what it would be like to be found dead. Overdosing on too many pills and falling in the shower, or jumping off into the canal unable to find the remnants of my lifeless corpse, or cutting so bad all the blood drains from me. I think of what it would be like to slit my own throat and bleed out from the neck. I don’t know what’s wrong with me………….
I’ve had those thoughts, too.
I began cutting in December, I think. I still cut while I was in a relationship with this guy. He never really found out until we did “it” since I cut my stomach and thighs. He broke up with me a while after.
I always think about cutting myself while taking a really hot bath, since the blood can’t clot or something. Or cutting my throat, overdosing on pills, and even putting a plastic bag over my head before I go to bed.
In order to remove those thoughts from my head, I usually shrug off conflicts and I distract myself with Tobuscus, music, read, or I play games. Time consuming hobbies.c:
I don’t think there is something wrong with you, I think you think you are flawed so you are trying to get the flawed part of you out. You can’t deal or handle the flawed part of you. Or, perhaps you feel you don’t have a voice so you cut to release that voice trapped deep within you.
I have only cut when something was really, really bothering me. Somebody wasn’t listening to me, somebody didn’t understand the pain I was in (emotionally) and so I went for the bread knife and I just started cutting. The scars, I know people see, and I know they judge me harshly because of it. So I wear long sleeves even in the warmer months.
There isn’t anything wrong with me because I cut, I just don’t know any other way to feel better or feel like my voice is being heard.