My life is good. I don’t have to worry about much, my parents give me food, shelter, money etc. I’m in college doing a degree I love, but have no motivation to do any of the assignments. I feel like killing myself all the time because it would just be easier than feeling pain all the time. I just don’t want to live. I struggle to do things now. I only do them because I don’t want my parents to be disappointed. All the money they wasted on me for a failed son.  I’ve made plans to kill myself before my birthday, but I don’t know if I’ll go through with them. I’m just a burden and worthless. No one would really care if I was gone and this is a good thing. What’s the point of living if you’re always unhappy and have to lie or distract yourself to not think about ending it all. I just want to cry all the time, but I don’t understand why. I know other people have way more stuff to deal with, like stuff to actually contemplate suicide and I’m here crying on an anonymous board over the most trivial, pathetic reasons to not live. I don’t deserve to live because of this. I know that sounds stupid, but that’s what I think of all the time. They should just give my organs to kid who wants to live or a person on the transplant list. At least then I’d have done something worthwhile.
You do deserve to live. Whatever is causing you to feel so much pain is not trivial. What you have to do right now is find a professional you can trust to talk with to help you find out what is causing you to feel suicidal. Call for an appointment, maybe a doctor or therapist at your college or nearby. Talking about it will be a lot of work and not easy, but it is work that matters a great deal. You matter a great deal to your parents and everyone around you, but it is more important for you to matter a great deal to you. Being miserable is not a choice you are making, you would not feel this way if you had a choice. Right now you need to find someone you can trust to help you feel better. It is not trivial, it is a matter of life and death.
Thanks for sharing a part of your story.
And welcome aboard, Leaf1.
You’re not a failure, I say this because in the eyes of your parents you’re not an investment but family. Family helps each other and care for each other no matter what. They don’t want money or expensive things from you when you graduate, just watching you live is all they want. Don’t give up on your life and dreams. Please live for everyone who wants to see how great of a person you grow up to be.