I have to ask… am I an ideal suicide candidate? My family life has all but gone to shit (and trust me, I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING to change that around); I have a job that makes me miserable and I’ve had enough jobs to know it’s not getting any better out there. I can’t afford school ( I’m 22) and I don’t know where I want to see myself career-wise. I hate the way I look, despite compliments, which seem more like desperate attempts from friends to raise my self-esteem or from guys to get in my pants. I could go on… I’m serious about leaving this life. I would take the cancer out of someone that wanted to live, so I wouldn’t feel so bad about wanting to die when so many  people are dying and wanting to live.
but why u want to die
why u want to end it all
what is there making u feel like end this all
No, you’re not an ideal candidate. You say you are not terminally ill. From what you said, it sounds like the issues you face are solvable. You just need some help seeing the forest through the trees, as the saying goes.
I’d suggest you try breaking your problem areas down in pieces and looking at each one, to resolve one by one. First, you mentioned you cannot afford school (I assume college). if your high school graees were good, you might be able to get a scholarship. Even if they were not, or average, you might have something that warrants a scholarship. You would need to talk with a college advisor for that. But what you can do in the interim is consider a community college. The cost is much less than other schools. Consider even taking just one class. This will help keep you focused. You will also have access to college advisors and career counselors.
As for your looks, it sounds like you are attractive by your comment that you have to “keep guys out of your pants.” So, you just complimented yourself! That is great. May I suggest that find something nice you would like to wear. Seriously. If necessary, go to a store and pick up one thing. It doesn’t have to be costly. Just something that brightens you up. Have fun with it. Go with a girlfriend, and make it a shopping day. Get a facial or something. Do something for yourself. It will pick you up, really.
As for family issues, that is one area that is always difficult to comment about. Not sure if the problems are parents, spouse, children, siblings, etc. Just remember that you cannot change people. But you can change yourself. That is up to you. If you ever saw the movie, “Dead Poet’s Society,” there is a great line from the movie: carpe diem (seize the day). Take some time for yourself, and just yourself. If you like the beach, take a day and go there. Walk around. If you like the mountains, go there. Hike around. If you like malls, go there. Spend a day shopping (you don’t need to buy, just looky loo around). Eat something fun. If you are still down, do it again the following day.
Lastly, if you have a good friend or family member you can talk to, and I mean really talk to, please do that. In the meantime, I really think if you did an activity (a class, or whatever) that gets you thinking about something else, you will have a new way of thinking of life. It will work. You have nothing to lose by trying. Sieze the day!
Twenty-Seven year old female who currently resides on the East Coast of the USA.
Looking for A CTP Partner or suicide partner as it is most commonly known
I would prefer if you didn’t live in my area that you travel to me. If you prefer me to come to you it will be considered but I have limited means to travel so unless you could help get me to you it may or may not be a option. I am willing to be a CTP partner with someone, so lets work out the logistics.
I am ready when you are. I am ready right now just haven’t found a partner yet. I am willing to at the drop of a hat do this. No hesitation. We will have to figure out the logistics and the method we will use but that is minor stuff. The most important thing is am willing and ready.
Everyone has their reasons when it comes to how and why they found themselves at this point. I am not going to tell you my life story, or even give you a break down, summarize the reasons “why†I want to kill commit suicide. The reasons are irrelevant and unimportant a at this point.
If interested you may contact me at: bohemian.luna@gmail.com