I’m bulimic and anorexic. Most of my friends don’t know so I wanted to gt it out somehow. All of the times I had been called fat by my mom, so called friends, random people too has led to this. Everything is just so messed up and I no longer know what to do. I haven’t even mentioned all the suicide attempts and cutting. I cant handle myself and everything is going downhill.
Have you sought professional help? That’s probably the best place to start.
I have had a therapist since I was in forth grade. (Which was almost five years ago) and I have stayed at a mental hospital twice. Nothing has worked.
Is there ever a time when these feelings subside.
There never has been. Except for maybe when I’m cutting but I will assume that, that was not one of the better options.
Do you think that if the cutting helps, part of the problem might be psychological
The cutting is definitely a problem. I have passed out so many times because I cut to much. I should have gotten stitches a few times but I didn’t tell anyone.
This problem is not going to be resolved easily.