eveyone tells me i’m a mistake to this world. maybe they’re right, i am. or im just taking things way to seriously but no one understands that words hurt. especially cause i’m really sensitive. people tell me a lot of things that i really can’t argue with. for example ugly, not good enough for anyone or anything, useless, stupid, etc. my bullies were the ones who made me hate my own refelction. and instead of solving my problems, i hide from my problems. i just hate to be put down everyday. everyday is just another day to wake up wanting to die and cry. sometimes i hurt myself on the outside to try to kill the thing on the inside. i really don’t know what it’s like to live life and love it. i forgot what love felt like. there’s nights where i have a melt down and my heart tears little by little because i never realized how much people will be happy if i died and i just really want for a person to love me, but i’ll never get that especially because no one likes me. i’m always hated and everyone’s first target to hurt. but no one can brake my heart because it’s already been broken. i will never find love. i won’t be loved because I’m ugly and useless. i’m everyone’s last choice but everyone’s first choice to hurt. but i dont think anyone will ever like or love me. all i feel for the past 13 years of my life was hatred. but sometimes i wonder what it feels like be happy and loved. hopefully one day i’ll feel that……
You are loved, never doubt that. Whether you believe it or not, there are people who genuinely care about you and would miss you if something bad happens. I don’t want to sound cheesy by quoting this, but “we accept the love we think we deserve.” In order to feel as if someone loves you, you have to love yourself first.
i feel that no one loves me, that no one cares about me. all my life i’ve been lonley. never loved. i dont even love myself because what is there to love about me? im useless and helpless. i never do anything right. my life is just a waste of space. everyone tells me that i was just a mistake. so yeah i dont think anyone loves well at least not that i know of.