everything im freaking out about right now – clothes, pimples, classes, homework, friends, boys, cutting, – it all seems so huge and like its all that matters.
but then i think about the future. in 10 years its wont matter who dated who for how long and who had a fight with who. it wont matter.
it wont mean anything.
but i want it to matter.
so im making myself a promise.
im going to stop thinking about the future and how things will be in a month, a year, a decade.
thinking about it now will not effect the outcome of my entire life. so the only thing i will think about is today. what will happen will happen and all i do by over thinking is make myself more nervous about failing, so if the only thing i want to achieve right now is talking to a certain boy, or not swearing or anything like that then failing at these small things wont matter or really effect me.
wish me luck.
I like this post 🙂 this is one i hope others read and emulate. We all hate pimples D: they suck, and no chocolate does not worsen them haha
ahaha thanks, and its nice to know people read and like my posts xx