Haven’t I done this before? Shouldn’t the shaking hands and bone aches and sniffly nose have stopped by now? I mean it’s been, what, seven months now? Isn’t that enough? Jesus. Sobriety isn’t worth it if this is what it comes with. I thought physical withdrawals were supposed to stop after a couple months. Does anyone know if it’s even fucking possible for them to go away and come back again later? Or is this all a mental ting? I don’t want to relapse 3 days before I graduate, so I would love to know if I’m just losing it or if this is just something I’m gonna have to live with for a while. I mean, I know I’m opium’s *****, but at least I can admit it to myself right?
It’s not unusual no. Some people say that you’re in withdrawal for you entire life to some extent. Because to some extent, physical withdrawals are a reflection of psychological withdrawals and can flare up in times of stress. Set yourself small goals, ones that are easy to achieve and use them to boost your moral and reaffirm your dedication to sobriety. It’s not easy but little by little the physical withdrawal symptoms should go away.
Graduation can be stressful- stress can be about good things or bad ones- neither one make it any easier to stay in recovery. There are certain points in recovery that urges tend to flare up. As time goes by they hit less frequently and aren’t as intense. The first year is the hardest, you’re over half way through that. Have you tried any of the 12 step type stuff? There’s hotlines for NA in most areas, they’d be happy to help you out- if you can’t find NA call the AA line. The 12 step thing wasn’t quite right for me, but it helped a lot. What you’re going through is pretty common with quitting, not sure if it’s mental or physical but it’s happened to most of the sober folks I’ve known. You’re dealing with some hard stuff, asking about it is a very good way to handle that- and congrats on the upcoming graduation.
Nachtigall, thank you, hopefully I can take your advice and my physical symptoms will slowly subside. 🙂
dolly999, thanks for the advice and for the congratulations! Quick question though, is there a 12 step program that you know of I can do under 18 years old without parental consent because they never knew I even did drugs? I’m living with them until the end of August and I have no intention of letting them know that I’m addicted to drugs.
Thanks! 🙂