Not being able to sleep is one of the worst feelings. Â Insomnia is definitely something to hate. Â I don’t go to bed until 4 or 5am. Â I then wake up around 12pm and just go do my normal day to day jobs. Â My boyfriend gets home at the mid afternoon. Â I hardly ever see him. Â Once he gets home, he comes up to our room to see me, spends 5 minutes with me, then goes to hangs out with his friends for ages, then doesn’t come back up until 7pm, then we make dinner, then we watch a movie (where no catch up or talking about our day has really happened) and he falls asleep not even 15 minutes after the movie has started. Â I get it, he has a full time job, he works hard to being the money in to support us both. Â But I feel like I am just alone.
I have my insomnia if you remember. I still wake up before my alarm at 4:50 am :/ i work all day 10 hour shifts and dont get home till 5:30 to 6pm. Then again i dont have anyone or thing to come home to lol. I’m sorry that your boyfriend doesnt soend much time with you. What does your boyfriend do btw to be so tired? XD
My boyfriend works 6am to 3pm. I know that he comes home tired. Then his weekends are spent sleeping and going out at night to the movies or to dinner.
Damn i guess i always had more energy than others. I work 6:30 to 4:30. Your bf should continue yo have fun and sleep but he should factor in that you are his beloved and that you are stuggling to find your place right now. You two shoul try to spend more time together? Bleh but who am i talk to give advice about relationships :c
In reality, no one will ever be the expert on relationships or be able to give correct advice. Every couple is different. I’m scared to speak up. I’m scared to tell him about how bad my depression and anxiety are, because it seems like I would be attention seeking.
You are not attention seeking….you need someone to care and try to help….its easier for people who know about the problems people like us have to just ignore it or forget about it but we need to speak up and say “Listen fucker i need some help with my issues i can’t do this alone!” Just speak up. Before its too late
Is it a problem if I know I can’t have a job because I get emotional breakdowns reguarly during the day? I got fired from my last job for it. My boyfriend knows I got fired for it, but he doesn’t believe I am too ill to work. He says it will be fine. I don’t know what to believe.
Yes yes it is
Are you awake @ the end?
I’m awake at work molly. Whats up? You okay?
Phones down to 17% btw >.<
I’m still desperately depressed
I have to tendu husbands now life sucks
Wait what about your husband? An sorry its a bit hard to work and check the web >.< Quite sorry molly! But im still listening
My husband is really sick I thought I was going to loose him or myself
Take care of him? :L he needs you.