commit suicide. and throw myself hard on the concrete floor tilll my cheeks get crushed in pain and all my teeth fall out and my ugly plain eyes pop out of their skull. i’m to throw myself against the concrete or off a bridge till my head cracks open and all the rottenness comes out, cut my nipples off and attack myself with a machete before the devil takes me
he’s going to smash my head against the rocks for all the rottensness that laid its filthy hands on his precious son and daughter and leave me there to rot in my own filth until the devil takes me and cuts me into piece. please remember to watch lots of porn and let your child abuser do it to you so they can chop you up into pieces without sympahty. its because this was a ugly women who asked men for sex.
you got molested because you were UGLY Not bc you were innocent. the formula for your life is rejection by true love and men so you can be some fat ugly bad satanist that GOD HATES and considers dirty filty bc of all the lovely girls floating around to please them
men are jealous and Hate you. nobody wants a fat and ugly chick. satan made sure of it.Hell has a no fury but for a woman scorned and they are going to make me see them throughout their lives together, true love, even having sex while they attack and cut me and insult me for touching them. ppl will say yeah you still like that guy even tho he’s in love and married to the loveliest girl. formula to get rid of ppl he hates.
bc everyone hates her and calls her unpretty and are thanking god and jesus for mking her the antichrist cuz she’s so fat and ugly and bad and are happy and rejoicing bc if in the same room together or otherwise they openly shouted ‘fat and ugly’ and ‘hatred’
Hey Bharati, please feel free to vent as much as you need to, but I hope that you aren’t doing anything to harm yourself. I’m pretty sure that nothing you’ve written about (yourself?) is true.
Would you like to talk about it?