Last week I found this website and thought it might help to get all my feelings out because I kind of hold them back. Actually I hold them back a lot. For some reason I started to not sleep again and I know when I don’t get sleep things get bad. But they haven’t gotten this bad since my suicide attempt last year. I don’t know what I was doing but two days ago I just started taking some pills I had. My boyfriend could tell something was wrong and said he was coming over by the time he had gotten here I had taken 11. I knew I wasn’t going to die so I don’t know why I took them. And then I just felt awful about the whole thing. About making my boyfriend go through this with me. His face when I told him I took them just made me feel like the worst piece of shit. I just don’t understand why I took them. The first time I overdosed, yes I was trying to commit suicide. But this time… I knew I wasn’t going to die. I wasn’t trying to kill myself. I’m not sure what I was trying to do at all… And now I’m worried that they are going to give me more medicine, like anti-anxiety and I don’t want to have any more pills around my house than I already do. Because obviously even when I’m not trying to kill myself I still take them. I don’t really know what to do anymore. I’m at a loss.
I’m glad you joined, I actually did for the same reason to keep sane enough. If you want when you feel like people in your everyday life can’t listen you can email me
If you don’t want more pills around the house you could always send them to me! lol .. any kind of benzodiazepines would be much appreciated 🙂
This is certainly the right place to get your feelings out.
you took em cuz you’re in pain. you want to self medicate the pain away. its simple really. i do the same shit. with food, with alcohol with anything i used to be able to get my hands on. still would if i could.
There are a lot of good people here to talk to.
If you ever need someone, I’m here.
I won’t promise to understand you completely, but I do promise to love and accept you.
My email is