I promised I won’t do it, so instead I live this torture… knowing I’m unlovable, knowing that I will never understand things the way they should be understood. I’m supposed to pretend everything is ok and my positive outlook will suddenly transform into a positive life… it hasn’t happened yet, so why should I believe it to be true. I don’t want anything anymore, no dreams, no aspirations… when I make promises, I keep them. Once again, I’ve lost nearly everything I hold close to my heart. I don’t want to keep going on like this… but I will, for you, and for them.
This was exactly how I thought some years back. I’d still be thinking the same way..but the mere fact that I had that mind frame caused my life to turn around. One after another, good things started happening and now life is worth appreciating. Things will always be hard..but life goes on just the same.
Thanks for the response, things did get better, and good things were happening and one by one everything fell apart. I’m all alone again and right back where i started when I finally had hope again that things would get better. Thanks again.
Really well written, so true