I tried I really did but in the end everyone just abandons me, guess that’s what I get for surrounding my self with selfish people. I think Saturday night will be perfect im going to end this pain. I know theres a few good friends that will truly be hurt but in the end I think they already knew I was suffering way to much. As for the rest fuck em I hope they feel like shit, personally Id rather them not care because they never really cared at all. You see some people deal with emotional pain or physical pain I have both, I can bearly make it thourgh a day without not being able to stand the next morning and fighting addiction sucks im going to spend the rest of my money on oxy and have a ball for the next 3 days and go out happy. Or at least in my fucked up idea of happiness, you once you taken drugs long enough you began to find out that chemical happiness far outways emotional happiness. Ive dealt the shitty hand again and again and well im outta chips and its time to walk away from the table.
dude….get over it….life aint easy….
The1, you seem to have a good time kicking people while they’re down. You must be a very twisted individual. A human life is not something to joke about. What do you get out of this? Is it a sense of pride or accomplishment? You do not belong here.
I just dislike those that wont man up and face life with some balls and stop all this whining shit about “shitty hands”
That is their problem then and they are the ones to figure that out. You preach about the truth, how there is a lot to live for and that you have to work for it but you say it so violently and you seem so aggressive and abusive when you tell us this. If that’s what happens when we realise the “truth” then I’d rather stay in “La La Land”.
see you in hell my friend
whatever dude either man up or shut up….all this other extra shit aint needed
“Men” wouldn’t rant on suicide websites to people who are in serious life-death situations. Men help those in need. I think you should take your own advice and “man up or shut up”.