You can question yourself how many people that post here every day really want to kill themselves. My guess is not a lot, since most of these posts seems to be a cry for help rather than a way or a method. I’m not trying to say that the pain of being suicidal isn’t bad and I’m also against promoting suicide like it’s the last resort. But I did expect more from this website. Just my opinion
What do you mean expect more, I think the aim of this site is to encourage talking. Also i’m sure you aren’t suppose to discuss methods or partners etc etc
That’s how it used to be Freya. I did my best, brought HHM back but the large scale deforestation has desecrated the site. The posters actually pat themselves on the back when they report a post and it makes me sick. But now, I just don’t care. It’s only an Internet site after all. It’s not a place for everyone, you either conform or you know where the door is, sad really. I am wrong though, I know that. I selfishly just want things back to the way I remember. Most of the people I knew left anyway or don’t post often.
Read the rules kid. You’re not allowed to ask for help or to disuss methods. Sometimes mods dont immediately delete a post about it but yeah. I realize many come expecting suicide methods and partners because no one reads the rules…
Not one person says it was better, not one. I think that’s why I never got on with anyone.
I think it’s rather weird to think that there are people who are true suicidals while others are just wannabe suicidals or something. I rather think everyone is both a true suicidal and not a true suicidal at the same time, by virtue of still being alive. Frankly, I’d rather find a way to not be dead, but be at peace with the reality of other people. Failing that, being dead probably isn’t so bad.
There was a thread the other day where it emerged that actually quite a few former denizens have offed themselves.
It is my conviction that many people who commit suicide don’t mince words, they just do it.
In a way, joining this site might be a first step away from suicide. Personally, my belief that I will ever go through with it has waned the longer I’ve been on SP.
I miss the “old” Suicide Project, not because people were neccessarily more suicidal, in fact, IMO people seem more desperate these days, but because the discussions were deeper and more interesting (to me, at least). Also, the crowd was smaller, so you got to know people.
Maybe I’m just seeing it through rose-tinted glasses.
And I totally agree with what lorax said. Nicely put.
To be honest I found this site whilst looking for methods, My instant impression was ‘wow would you look at this, a bunch of people who feel the same way.’ Then I just read peoples post’s over and over. I just instantly felt less alone. Which helped more than calling the good samaritans who just listened and didn’t say anything back. I feel this is a kinda negative post, yeah i think some people complain about thing’s which aren’t that serious but I wouldn’t want to stop them.
@dustybones I guess its all perspective….some people here post about things I would absolutely love to switch positions with and deal with….others situations are severely worse then my own …However….just because my situation may not be as worse as the next persons….it won’t alter how I feel about my own….and it wont alter how others may feel about their own problem….
@Muspelhem…. I don’t think any suicide is done “impulsively” regardless at what point they do it….they considered it for some time before they did it…..
I feel like that too when I read a post about something not so serious. But you can never know how much something little can affect someone with certain mental health issues. I don’t think this site is designed to alter the way you feel. I think it’s just a way of connecting people so that they can talk sometimes that’s all that’s needed to stick around.
Alcoholics Anonymous for the suicidal. My first impression.. or a place to kick and scream for others..
Generally if you’re posting on here.. I get the impression you’re trying to connect with others with similar situations. Desperation, boredom or just to leave a mark.. and honestly it’s encouraging to see how many people here try to carry those who can barely make it.
Would be a lot more depressing if it was just a long list of suicide notes.
There’s days where I want to die…No JOKE