Fuck caring ,fuck all those tears i cried for you
Fuck all the time i tried to make shit right
Fuck the lies ,fuck the pain! Fuck being the only one who ever stuck up for your ass
Fuck all the “i love you” ,fuck the fact that i gave my heart to someone who just walked all over it!
Fuck all the cheaters ,fuck all the backstabbers!
Fuck all the people you thought were your friends ,fuck all the betrayals ,fuck all the manipulations!
Fuck all the feeling were hurt ,fuck the trust , fuck being there for you!
Fuck all the late nights on the phone talking for hours!
Fuck you all haters!!
Fuck being little miss nice girl,
Fuck you losers who try to be someone you’re not just cause everyone else
is that way doesnt mean that you have to be just like them!
Just fuck getting attached to anything! Seriously fuck it!
Dear black widow,
Fuck being angry! Take joy in the fact that you were there, for these people, be happy you had a chance to help these people on their road to finding themselves. You tried, you lead by example. Do not blame yourself for their actions. You did your best.
I would hope that thing between your legs is cleaner than your mouth is 😉
Just sayin.
“Wifeisgone” ask your mom about that 🙂