I need help. I can’t do this anymore. I’m sick of life. I don’t want to live. It’s like I’m screaming and no one can hear me. I am so depressed. I have people at school who hate me. This one boy I have liked for ages said to me that if I’m happy he’ll go out with me, I’ve got no chance now.. I need a reason to be happy, a reason to smile, a reason to enjoy life, a reason to wake up on a morning, but so far I can’t find a reason.. Please can someone help me, it’s my only hope, I can’t live like this anymore. Please help.
Hey whyshouldibother. How are you ?
If I knew how to be happy, I guess I wouldn’t be on this web site. But I do know that it’s possible and that hapiness is different for everybody. I also know it’s almost impossible to be happy only on someone else’s requirement.
If you ever go out with that boy, do you think it’ll make you smile at least a little ? So maybe, you could start picturing it and he’ll be able to feel it ? I don’t know.
You have to believe the fact that you deserve hapiness just as much as anybody else. Good luck !
Hey sweetheart it’s okay , take a deep breath and keep Ranting if you’d like… There’s always time to make things better
Is there anything you like to do? Sports? Hobbies? painting? Just taking on something you would have interest in can make a big difference.
Maybe you and this guy have something in common you can do together? (not sex) lol
Have u tried therapy? It really helped me when I was younger, especially group therapy. I remember thinking that I was so troubled that no one could possibly understand or feel the same way. It might help
Could I ask you a question? Why do people at your school hate you? Are they jealous of you or are you just different? As far as you not wanting to live anymore I want you to know that you’re not the only one. About 3 years ago I burned charcoal in my bathroom. I’m probably a lot older than you which is one of the reasons I did it. I kept saying “God if you don’t help me I’m coming over there.” and God never answered me. I think He thought I was kidding He wanted to call me on my bluff but I was completely serious. The night I burned charcoal I remember briefly saying. “EH you think I’m still kidding? I’m about to meet you in the next 15 minutes so you better have some answers for me.”
I know this has nothing to do with your situation but I just want you to know that other people feel the same way you do and some of us have acted on it.
I so wish I could help you but I honestly don’t have the answer for you. But someone else does. If I could drive out to meet you I would. Maybe I can. I live in New Jersey and if you’re anywhere close I would meet you. If not, someone on this board does have the answers for you and you need to find that person and listen to what they have to say and follow their advice.