So im 33 and have hoped my life would get better…the past week or so has proved me wrong and there is nothing left to be hopeful about.I have several health problems any of which could kill me at anytime.I have 3 girlswhoi lovemore than anything even tho only one talks to me anymore.Within a week or so after i postthis i plan on taking my life,i know its a selfish act but there really is no other choice.It feels good just to write this down thanks to anyone who reads.
Hey zerokarma.
I’m 30, and I can see how you feel. Please consider the bright parts of your life before doing anything. I know people say that suicide is selfish, but we all are selfish anyway, even those who wants to keep us alive.
If you love your daughters, you should focus on that feeling of love and let it be stronger than any other things that could hurt you.
Know that I care, and you’re not alone.
People think that taking your own life because you’re in a lousy situation will solve the problem. There’s the old saying, “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem”. Everything changes. Sometimes things change for the worse and sometimes for the better. The thing is if you think about the action of suicide it can only make things worse. You gave the answer to your problem already. “You have 3 girls who love you more than anything”. That in itself is worth sticking around for. If you take your own life those girls will suffer with the consequence of your death for the rest of their lives. They’ll question, wonder if they could have done more, been more, loved you more. They’ll grow up without mom. I don’t know, it’s your decision and you and those around you will have to bare the consequences of your actions. Hope you make the right choice. I’ll be thinking of you.
Those who take their life see it as a solution, and it is, to them, however, what we all should be concerned about is what happens on the other side once you get there.
And regardless of what belief you have or don’t have, there is still “actuality”, the “what actually is”.
Maybe you don’t rest. Maybe you burn in hell. Maybe you go to heaven.
Once you “get there”, you don’t come back here if you don’t like it.
And the thought of this all should make anyone afraid to kill themselves,
Dear zerokarma,
Do not let the events of the last week or so destroy your view of life improving. Keep posting, I will keep reading. Let’s find some truthful alternatives