If you don’t know by now I’m forced into the life of a loner I cant ever go outside my house without my parents constantly calling my phone every five seconds half the time I wanna put a bullet in my brain and end it all so I don’t have to feel this cruel reminder of what I could have but never will and the other half I wanna kill my mom she has done nothing but hurt me she has let me get severely bullied victimized and traumatized and PAYS someone to give a shit and my father who is a wanna be low down thug that I would gladly kill I’m not a murderer nor do I plan on acting on these thoughts I just want them both to know how much they hurt me I just want to end it I’m tired of being pushed around I want to die badly but right when I’m at the brink of death something brings me back into my hellhole of a life my mom always says “You just sit on your ass all day and you never had rules” when she was 13 she was the boss of her house and parents for fucks sake even to this DAY she has the same problems and when she dosent get her way it’s all hell or if I try telling her how I feel I’m instantly shut out half the time I wonder if she really truly cares she’s on her phone all the time or with her friends and ignoring me guess I truly am worth nothing and never will be if my own mother hates me to this extent then it’s true I was born to suffer
I always wondered . . . would it feel better to have neglect or too much attention from parents? I don’t like the idea of both, although I get to experience both. I think attention from parents (no matter how rebellious us teens feel at times) is a good thing, as long as the intentions of the parents are good. However, the intentions of my parents are never good and so I prefer them to make me feel neglected. But then when I feel ignored by them, I crave for their attention. As in, all I’ve ever wanted to do was make them proud. Maintaining one hundred percent in ten classes apparently holds no meaning after they yelled at me to pick my academic standards up. J.K. Rowling once said “Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.”
” guess I truly am worth nothing and never will be if my own mother hates me to this extent then it’s true I was born to suffer”
Meh – I think about this one too much. In fact, I’ve over thought it and now have no thoughts on it. Other then, it would suck if it were true. Even if one person saw me useful on this earth, there is still everybody else who does not. And I always believed ‘majority rules’.
“I just want them both to know how much they hurt me”
I do too. So bad. But as I pondered this too, I thought that maybe people like them are incapable of understanding. One who inflicts hurt in a careless manner does not care to think of the painful significance. I am not saying such persons are always hopeless, I’m just saying I personally wouldn’t expect a change.
“end it all so I don’t have to feel this cruel reminder of what I could have but never will”
I have read many thing on this site, but never have I related to one so much as this one. We share the same pain, as do others out there or many who have had this same past. I do, of course, wish the best for you in your future endeavors of finding something better (of worth to live).
I almost relate to a lot of stuff on here but I get what you mean when you’ve never related to something so much it would be a miracle if my mother stumbled upon this site and found my posts then maybe she would realize she’s not helping