who is to say who gets to be the judge in life? Â who gets to say who has more power? who gets to say that other people are wrong? everyone has the right. there is no one person who is above everyone else. you may be judging people, but people can still judge you. you are no different than the people around you. everyone has an opinion. but nobody has the right to condemn others. because if you do, then they have the right to condemn you.
Meh, I hate that term…’judgement’…rather, I make observations on people. Whether I’ve known you five years or five minutes, I’ll be sizing you up each time we meet. Body language, personality traits, small quips unique to each person help me determine their bearing in life. I cannot simply say you are one thing, when that “one thing” is susceptible to change and could be entirely different when next we meet. What you do within your own personal life is your business, the moment you reflect it upon me is when I flick the switch and pay even closer attention to ‘you’.
Then again, if someone is a righteous douchebag, I’ll let them know. I try avoid that when considered prudent, however.
Merriam Webster says that judgement is: the act or process of forming an opinion or making a decision after careful thought : the act of judging something or someone.
We are humans. We can not help but make “judgments” about people. Do we like their style? Attitude? What are their beliefs, and what opinions do we already have on them? The “judging” is like this: You meet somebody, notice their shoes and think ‘Those are not ‘cute’ or ‘stylish’ at all. Which is okay, we all like different things. It is when we start to shun or discriminate those based on those things, is when it becomes wrong. How different would that person be wearing a different pair of shoes? (Mhm, rhetorical).
But [maybe] like TMS stated, that moment you hold mild importance to me, my eyes will narrow and I will pay closer to all the traits and things about you. It is simply a part of getting to know individuals. It is how society works. It is how people connect.
wow… you guys are getting it!
“Judgment” is not bad. It’s not THAT people judge, but HOW, and upon which criteria they base their assessments.
You have to judge their judgment, before you can form an opinion about it. So when someone says “no one should ever judge anyone,” then what they should do is immediately stop caring what anyone thinks, since they would have to judge others, in order to dislike anything anyone thinks.
People should learn discernment, and a method of “better judgment” which allows them to form appropriate assessments and opinions of others, and try not to judge, or prejudge, anyone, based on things beyond their control. I know it’s impossible to completely eliminate judgment, but everyone should embrace a duty, a personal responsibility and accountability, toward fair and just judgment.
Everyone has not just the right, but the duty, to judge… and those who do so correctly, should be respected, while those who do so incorrectly, should be corrected. But i’m sure we’ve all encountered those who refuse to listen, and refuse to be corrected, and insist on judging as they do.
But people will judge you, even if you manage to refrain entirely from judging them. Refusing to form an opinion about someone, isn’t going to stop them from forming opinions about you, whether based on fair and just criteria, or otherwise.
Learn to judge the judgment of others. If they suck at judgment, maybe try to correct them. If they reject corrections, they’re probably not worth your time.
What you all just stated is THE STUPIDEST thing I’ve, like, ever read!!! 🙂
How come, Randall?
I was joking…making a judgement joke. I hate it when I have to explain my jokes!!
See, I don’t have the ability to hear certain tones virtually. Shit, I need it.
creeper tales ,
correct really the only judge that counts is yourself, don’t let people know that much about you, you have no control over them, people like to judge others to make themselves feel better, they are assholes, but that is the way it works, you can’t change people but you can change the way you deal with them. if you feel what your doing is ok then it’s ok, no need to prove it to others anyways.
Sorry. I forget people can’t hear the tone in my head! There are so many voices up there I don’t know who’s who… Sorry bout that.
@ Randall,
I hope some of those voices are of sexy females 🙂