People assume that we, who are suicidal, are stupid or not smart enough.. We are actually very smart, we can see things the way they are, we analyze the problems and we know there is a solution but we also know it will always come back to the same Shit
Actually I think that’s what scares people about those who are suicidal. They’re scared that we’re smart enough to see things the way they are, that we are right and that life is shit but they want to keep their blinders on and play happy. That’s why all the suicidal people get locked up or fed a bunch of pills to make them feel “normal” , ha! Can’t have people out there telling others how it really is!
The issue is the need to justify everything. Whether a person has an opinion on someone else’s life or about how their own life is assessed by others it’s the necessity that causes the problem rather than whether they/we are right or not.
Exactly, if I didn’t feel the need to justify my suicide, it would probably be done by now. That and I always beat myself up about what it would do to my family, but that just causes more frustration.
Actually my I.Q is 135, really above average.
Actually, i think once you relinquish the need to justify your perspective to anyone but yourself, you’ll see a few things differently, and might not be in such a hurry to end it.
You don’t have to justify anything to anyone. It’s just that if you don’t (or can’t), people will form negative opinions and make you seem like a bad person, even if you’re not. Also, not everyone is capable of the measure of sound judgment required to understand and appreciate proper justification. Most are too caught up in their own false paradigms to ever understand anything beyond them.
That was something I was going to say. I don’t “have” to justify anything to anyone else. I also certainly don’t feel the need to justify it to myself, just to my family. But again suicide is something that will never be justifiable, and the stigma that is attached to it and depression will always cause people to look at me as bad person or broken. In reality I understand completely how other people can enjoy their lives and keep up the fight. However, I just don’t feel that enjoyment. Even at times in my life when good things would happen to me, I never really felt that great about it. And as I said before, if I can’t enjoy life, why am I here?
“we can see things the way they are”
Perspective is subjective. Unfortunately you have a very bad case of the “Special Snowflake Syndrome” I suggest you get that checked out pronto
Amen to dat.
Yes, how dare anyone believe themselves to be unique or valuable, or that their perspective has any merit, due to being realistic instead of the typical deluded fantastical excess optimism currently embraced by the more popular and privileged few.
Let’s all demonize everyone who realized they aren’t like “everyone else” (expects them to be).
I don’t need a doctor or anyone else to tell me what’s wrong w/ me when I already know it. I know I’m not better than anyone and I’m neither like everyone else
what I meant to say by “we see things the way they are” is that just because we are suicidal, that doesn’t mean we can see the reality of life. We see life could be Great for others and what not but still our is greater than that
“We analyze the problems”
I know I will be hated for saying this, but I am pretty certain: Only in the rarest cases is suicide a purely rational choice. This “decision” is rather taken emotionally and under the influence of depression.
Btw my IQ is over 9000. I got an official certificate that states exactly that. I also have several doctor degrees and I am the leading researcher for *insert science here* in Europe. And of course I didnt make up any of this.
I don’t hate you. I respect your opinion and I know you are right, still that doesn’t mean I’m wrong . Suicide is not rational choice, but everyone can do with their life as they wish
yikes, looks like you’ve got it too, sending prayers and Facebook likes
Yes of course you are allowed to do with your life as you wish, and even if I try to convince you not to commit suicide I wont stop you, because it is your choice.
“I know you are right, still that doesn’t mean I’m wrong .”
I dont see how this is possible, concerning the rational factor in a decision to suicide.
@claire de Lune
Do you ever have suicidal thoughts??
Every day.
Then you know it doesn’t matter how fucking irrational suicide is. It will always seem like the only. Way out , specially when you have tried different coping methods and you still feel the same
Yes of course. But that doesnt make us smarter than anyone else who isnt suicidal, does it?
I think my post has been misunderstood and I also used the wrong wording. I meant to say yes we are suicidal but still smart. People who are not suicidal assume we are not smart, but we are
I liked the way you wrote it originally. Made perfect sense to me. As they say,”To each his own!”
I doubt intelligence is related to being suicidal or not suicidal. At least I haven’t heard of any studies that would confirm there to be an obvious relation. And even then the relation could be indirect.
I meant that having opinions and persuading others that they are accurate is sometimes more of a problem than the opinions themselves because it doesn’t really matter to anybody whether suicidal people are stupid or not. When people find they disagree with something they feel the need to challenge it without thinking whether it’s worthwhile to expend the energy.
On this site people tell their stories and the world about what’s on their mind because it’s human nature. It’s the reason social media sites like Facebook became successful. How useful are any of these things.