25 years of life and I can honestly say that I am a disappointment not only to myself but to everyone around me.
Im always forgetting to do something, which makes people mad. I cant help that I have a bad memory, But no one honestly cares. All they see is that I let them down.
I am constantly being told I don’t do enough, I don’t try hard enough. Im a lazy fuck according to everyone.
I don’t work enough. I need to work more.
More….More…. Nothing is ever enough
no matter how hard I try, Im always letting someone down.
I wake up in the morning wondering what Im going to mess up, who will I disappoint today?
Today, it was my dad. Apparently at some point he told me I had to watch my sister so he could work and I didn’t watch her. I don’t remember him saying anything to me, but what else is new. Now he isn’t talking to me.
I give up.
My dad told me i was lazy just because i didnt want to buy a toothbruah i know my brother wouldn’t use. And as far as disappointments go..i thinj m the biggest of them all.
Fuck em’
Learn to say “no” and move on
“Can you watch your sister today?” “No” “Why not?” “Because I’ll probably forget to”
Something similar happens to me sometimes and it’s annoying as hell
He won’t say “Can you take out the garbage?” He’ll say “Did you take out the garbage?”
Does it look like I did? It’s sitting there plain in sight, go do it yourself if it’s that damn important, right?
Or he’ll ask sometime in the middle of the week for me to clean the bathroom on the weekend
I’ll be busy as hell or I just don’t remember at all and it’s the same thing
“Did you clean the bathroom?” Well, does it look clean?
I don’t mind if the favor is immediate but if you ask me something down the road and I forget, don’t look at me like it’s my fault
It’s not like I write this shit down on a notepad and tape it to my forehead for the utmost important tasks that absolutely need to be accomplished in the near future
Sorry for the short rant
You’re not a disappointment, you’re forgetful and that’s okay
As for working, what sane human being works for 40-50 hours a week and is okay with it? I’ll tell you right now, there isn’t one
Be happy that you’re not a corporate slave like they are and just be happy with yourself for being you
couldn’t have said it better!